My current situation

Hi guys,

I was hoping you guys could help me out.

I have an ip. I have a 280000 loan on it. The value has grown about 100k from when I bought it, based on sales on simular places recently and in the past yr. Its on a 5yr intrest only. I would like to buy another ip, but the ip would be a new house and a new land. Together the loan would cost about 500k. Woluld the banks except this? If not why? And what would ou suggest?

Thank you
You haven't mentioned income (work income and/rental income) which will have a significant bearing on your borrowing capacity. With that info, the brokers here might be able to offer something useful.
sorry about that

my income is 40,000 a year, which if I get a promotion (which I'm hoping on) will bring my base salary to 47,000.

rent at the moment is 350 a week.

I get 5k back on tax.

anything I have left out? if so please let me know