Navra fund performance update

perky29 said:
Well with the London bombings, the stockmarket will most likely go down by a significant amount over the next few days.
It will be interesting to see how the fund performs over the next month. This will be a good time to put some money into the fund.
PS I am not in any way condoning the actual bombings, they are a shocking and devastating event.
A somber perky. :(

Agree Perky......what has happened in London is a tragedy and having family over there makes it feel even closer to home. :(

Further to your comments, I checked the US Futures last night and indeed they had dropped but on checking the DOW this morning it is UP 31 points! Not exactly the result I would have expected either. :confused:
When America catches cold the entire world sneezes. When England catches cold the rest of the world passes them a hanky.

London is not in Wall Street.

The economic cost of the bombings are negligible beyond British borders.

And even in the UK the FTSE is only down 50 points, rallied in the afternoon after a 150 point fall ( That's a 1% fall, essentially a normal trading day. There's still time for more of a rally late in the day (at the time of this post). The AIM is up for the day.

Yet more proof that the global economy is on a stronger wicket than many nay sayers believe.

Remember, the best way to deal with terrorists is to deny their actions any impact. If their horrifying tactics have no effective result their organisations fall apart. It's only when the world takes note and responds - as when Spain withdrew it's troops from Iraq - that the terrorists win victories.


911 directly affected many significant financial companies who had their headquarter within the twin towers.

The other MAJOR difference is that in the immediate aftermath of 911, noone really knew why and what had happened . This caused significant uncertaintly and this uncertainty was the major cause of the sharp falls in financial markets.

The world now knows what we are dealing with so that uncertainty isn't there to anyway the same extent.

See Change
Alan H said:
Agree Perky......what has happened in London is a tragedy and having family over there makes it feel even closer to home. :(

Further to your comments, I checked the US Futures last night and indeed they had dropped but on checking the DOW this morning it is UP 31 points! Not exactly the result I would have expected either. :confused:
Interesting isn't it Alan H. The FTSE has fully recovered its losses and the DOW was up again (146.85 points) on Fri. Perhaps only rising oil prices can stop the rise of the All Ords.
Mark Leo.
Hi Mark.

I think See Change is probably pretty close to the mark here:

see_change said:
The other MAJOR difference is that in the immediate aftermath of 911, noone really knew why and what had happened . This caused significant uncertaintly and this uncertainty was the major cause of the sharp falls in financial markets.

The world now knows what we are dealing with so that uncertainty isn't there to anyway the same extent.

See Change

How we react(or ignore) world events is interesting to say the least isn't it?

With the recent Aid Concerts I saw a really good article that started with the title of something like "Why you won't see headlines like this". It showed a mocked up front page of a major newspaper with the picture of someone near death from starvation and gave the current number of kids who die of starvation each day.

XX number of people just got killed in London from a bomb blast and it still hits almost every front page in the world but only momentarily gave a shudder to the world's financial markets.

XXXXX number of children died of starvation that same day and it would be lucky to appear in hardly any newspapers. :confused:

I'm not belittling the horror that has happened in London as it is indeed terrible. However, it would appear we react much more strongly to uncertainty than we do to the scale of a tragedy.
