New moderators - Peter 147 and Pitt St

We don't like to call it a bribe, do we Pitt?

It is actually a

Recommended Involuntary Pro-rata Provision for Online Future Facility or to be shorter a R.I.P.P.O.F.F.

You may go now. :p Peter 147
Congratulations Pitt & Peter,

It never ceases to amaze me how much knowledge people have on this forum. You guys have been fantastic contributors. I've learned a lot from you.

XBenX said:
Damn - I just lined the pockets of the moderators who stepped down...

I wondered what that warm wet feeling was from....and I thought old age had finally gotten the better of me!!!!
Congrats guys !

It's only with the work of people as yourselves that this fantastic forum can both continue and maintain it's itegrity.

Much appreciated.