Newsagencies..abyobe own one??? tops please??

tell you though theres some absolute garbage that gets sold at newsagents.....some people really need to get a proper life......mind you ill take their money and wish them a good afternoon!!.

Actually what happens is the mags are lent on consignment. On delivery the publisher debits you the wholesale price of the mags sitting in your store.
When a mag goes offsale, you return unsent copies and the publisher returns the money that was debited in the first place.
(Any mags you do sell they don't return that money, the margin is the gap between RRP and wholesale)

Publishers push all the crap onto the newsagents so they can get a hold of your cash in the short term. Non perishables are great for that. cookbooks, porn etc. It gets returned by one agent, turn it around and give it to another.

If you don't know how all this works you might need to do more research into this type of business before buying in
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Friends have a newsagency.

You don't return the magazines - you just rip off the front cover and return that. Actual magazines are allegedly destroyed but usually given to friends or relatives.
you just rip off the front cover and return that.

This is true for the cheaper titles. The expensive titles and non perishables - cookbooks, mills and boon etc must be returned in full so they can be sent out again (perishables meaning their content is not newsworthy after a week or two)

Returning the covers is still a handling cost anyway, so what is the difference if it were full or covers return?