Personal Development anyone?

Hey guys,

I am half way through completing the Landmark Forum in Melbourne - (no doubt someone here has done it) - And I was just wondering how many other investors have completed personal development courses?

I know many of you go to seminars about how to invest, strategies etc., but do you also take the time out to discover a little bit more about yourself?

I'm very open minded when it comes to personal development courses - I've done some Tony Robbins, Chris Howard and now Landmark too. I've found them to be extremely beneficial in all aspects of my life.

What is your attitude to personal development? Good? Bad? Reasons?
I was just wondering how many other investors have completed personal development courses?
What is your attitude to personal development? Good? Bad? Reasons?

I attended an enlightening series of seminars last year by Jornada. While the original premise was to help "boost" the investing side, what it did instead was to open a whole new understanding to the way I behave in all facets of life. Of particular interest was how my "dayjob" transformed from being an "occupation" into a fascinating daily illustration and exercise in what I learned.


The Y-man
What is your attitude to personal development? Good? Bad? Reasons?

As far back as I can remember, I always have had an interest in self growth/development; and an equally greater thrill for other people to learn about and develop themselves too. (Eg at work, better understanding, good cohesion, etc...of all our staff).

The funny thing is Shonnie, as much fun as it is and I love to take opportunity to learn stuff, it also hits home just how little I know, which feeds the determination to find out more! :p

I not only love the concept of personal development, but the doing; the desire to seek/learn (and do) to be the best you can-for me that is. It is a huge motivating force within me; and I have found the most amazing lessons have not only been in structured courses but everyday life, how I interact, other people!! what others do and say and think and are prepared to share..

I took the opportunity to read a little more of Landmark:

Sounds fantastic, good on you and have fun.

People/learning and the why, and hows, if's, where's etc are just my favorite thing.:)
I know many of you go to seminars about how to invest, strategies etc., but do you also take the time out to discover a little bit more about yourself?

What you see in the real estate market, the deals you are able to put together and the profit you make is just a metaphore for what is in your own head. Yes personal and professional development as well as education in the market is extremely important:D

We are living in the information age where knowledge becomes obsolete very quickly you need to keep on top of things. I read a book a week as well as attend regular seminars, courses and workshops. Remember winners will work out what it is worth to them and losers will always ask "how much does it cost"?
Hi Everyone

Personal development and your psychology is 95% of wealth creation. Anyone can learn the mechanics of wealth, crunching numbers is easy and there is no secret to how this is done... information is endless.

The tricky part is YOU. We all want to get from A to B, so what is holding us back. It is the same with wanting to lose weight, it is no secret to what needs to be done however, why is it that so many people do not lose that weight or if they do, it is short lived.

I have built up all my number crunching and research muscles.. my parter and I invest most of our time these days working on who we are and who we want to be. It is EVERYTHING!

I am currently following Anthony Robbins and Paul Counsel.... Paul Counsel is a Perth man who spent 12 months travelling around castles with Anthony Robbins. He is not well known however, I have the pleasure of having spent time with him and he has a brilliant mind. He also has books/dvd's, however, I am not sure how easy they are to get hold of

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle is also very good to read.
Self Development – you can’t have enough of it.

In the last 4 years I have gone about feeding my mind and attended a lot of seminars on self-development. It started when I read something from Jim Rohn along the lines of “Success is not pursued. Success is attracted to the person you become.” To become that kind of person who attracts success one has to “develop”, hence the importance of self-development. No amount of knowledge would make a person successful till the “being” of the person is a certain way. Landmark’s curriculum of life education is very good though it aggravates a lot of people, mainly the kind who are uncoachable anyway. Just look at the internet to see the number of negative write-ups from disgruntled people. Landmark has been going on for a long time. It is a testimony to effectiveness of their system that they’ve been going on for that long on word of mouth publicity alone. I did the Forum and their Advanced course and would highly recommend it to anyone. It is a bit confrontational though and does tend to bring ones skeptic nature to the fore. Just as well, ‘cos then you are aware of it and can deal with it.

My most favourite seminars are those by Tony Robbins. His “Date With Destiny” had the most profound effect on me. A bit pricey but I would pay 3 times the cost without hesitation to attend it. Chris Howard’s free seminars are good but have become too commercial now. There are a number of others too. My one hour drive to and from work is fully used in listening to the good collection of various CDs that I have. Beats listening to the negativity in news and talk shows on the radio.

One thing I have noticed is that different people react to different seminars in different ways. That’s probably stating the obvious but I have seen some people’s life completely change after a particular seminar yet they would be totally indifferent to another seminar and vice versa. And then there are some others (acute cynics) that nothing can break through. Further, there is the factor of timing. My wife did the Forum last year and didn’t get anything out of it. Yet this time (4-6 Jan, obviously the same Forum as yours Shonnie) she is all animated and rearing to go to the follow up seminars and the Advance and the SELP). She’s all lit up.

I for one am totally convinced that in any seminar, one only “gets” what one wants to get. I haven’t attended one self-development seminar, free or paid, that I walked away from thinking that I should have stayed home instead.

Great post Renovice

I attend alot of seminars and also read heaps of books and listen to audio CD's that I purchase from ebay.

Ebay has lots of Tony Robbins stuff!! I listen to it in my car.. love it.
I havn't been to a self development seminar but i listen to the stuff occasionally.
I remember one Jim Rohn CD where he was waffling on about he had a mentor when he was young.

The mentor got him to write down a list of the reasons why he hasnt succeeded in certain areas of his life etc.

When he had finished and gave the list to the mentor. He said 'Jim, theres one thing missing'
Jim says 'And whats that?'

The mentor says 'Your Name!'

Pretty instructive i'd say.
Thanks for the responses guys -

I completed my final night of the forum last night, and I must say it was an amazing experience.

I have previously attended seminars by Tony Robbins and Chris Howard, and both were fantastic in their own right. I can attribute my motivational drive to Tony Robbins (I've done UPW) - and am hoping to get to Date with Destiny this year. Tony Robbins is great too.

I found the Landmark Forum has given me this amazing inner peace - those who have attended the course will probably know what I'm talking about. I'm no longer running around like crazy attempting to complete 10 years of goals in one day. I've got a sense of compassion with people (which I've never had before), and new found relationships with all my friends and family. I'm no longer afraid to express myself and as cliche as it may sound, it really has "transformed" my life.

In order to get me to complete this course, my boss had to pay for it - I'd heard some bad things about landmark in the past, and he knew I wouldn't do it otherwise - as part of my thanks to him I told him I would be paying it forward, so one of my friends will be attending this course free of charge because I want them to share in what I got from it.

Strongly recommended to anyone and everyone. If you've got any questions feel free to ask :) I'd be more than happy to share my experience.
I'm a big fan of physco-cybernetics by Dr Maxwell Maltz.

I got it on audio from and have been through it twice.

Good explaination of the self image and how to set yourself up properly.

None of that ra-ra-ra Robbins type stuff. I have heard that those events are so full of hype and feel good that one person told me that he did a thing on eating, and why you should be a vegetarian, and every single person came out of it a vegetarian.

Also know someone who presented at a Robbins event on real estate. He said the crowd were so hyped up he could have said absolutely anything, and the crowd would have whooped and cheered regardless.

Lots of people go again and again because they get a rush out of the events, but I believe a lot go home and do nothing once the feeling wears off.
Tend to agree; seminars are very "Yank-ified" i.m.h.o, with the crowd being whipped into a lather about air.

I've never had a problem motivating myself.

I guess that's why these people do so well out of the seminars; the majority of the population are under-motivated, otherwise more people would be rich, sports stars, buying properties, reading this forum etc, so they have plenty of customers.
I dont necessarily go to seminars and read books for motivation, I am very self motivated.

I read alot of this stuff because it is taught me about "responding". Most people in the world are reactive, They react to their environment and react to what is going on around them. Little self control with their emotions. The enviroment controls what they are thinking and how they are feeling.

Life is so much easier when your emotions are inward to outward rather than outward to inward.

If you can define yourself clearly as a person, what you accept, what you dont and what you want, then nothing should upset you or get in your way.

Anyway, thats what I get out of it.
One of the great tools I took away from the seminars last year was understanding how our personalities define our passions (and consequently the things we are "good" at)

We then applied this to my section at work - in a really fun way. What it helped me (and my manager) do was to identify in a structured way what tasks each of my staff were good at; and ways to present information to a particular individual to make the most effective means of communication.


The Y-man
Wow that would be a really useful tool! It really is amazing how little we "know" about ourselves. Funny what you find when you take the time to look.

My mate has agreed to go to Landmark and I'm so HAPPY for him! I can't wait to see how much he gets from it.

I didn't find Landmark motivational at all.. just very reflective.. I learnt a lot about myself - tony robbins = great for motivation. Landmark = great for relationships and understanding people more.
I have heard of this through a US marketing guy named Dan Kennedy. I don't know anything about it tho. Can you give us a brief run down on it?

Sorry for the delay.

Dan Kennedy has done an update of the book and has some interest in it nowadays. He is a big advocate of it.

Its hard to describe all of it, but one of the central themes is the self image. What you achieve and do comes down to the way you fundamentally are. For example, someone who sees themselves as overweight will struggle to lose weight because their behaviors will always revert back to being consistent with the way they see themselves. If you are told at school that you are bad at a certain subject, you may always be bad at it, even though you really arent. Its just that your self image is set that way.

So to be successful, going to ra-ra seminars wont help you. You'll come home and for a couple of days you'll feel good, but unless you change your self image itself, a few days later the good feeling will wear off and your behaviors will again be consistent with your self-image.

So the key is to get your self image in line with what you want, and then your behaviors will be consistent with this new self image.

Then there's your 'success mechanism' which is essentially your sub-conscious. You can direct your success mechanism to do certain things and your subconscious will help you do it.

Dan Kennedy will, for example, think about a sales letter to be written before he goes to sleep, and directs his success mechanism to write it for him. He then gets up the next day, sits down in front of a computer and the letter just flows out. Its like how we often solve a problem when we sleep, but is a more formal way of doing this for other things.

Then there's visualisation techniques in there as well.

I liked it, and go through the audio book from time to time as well.