Personality Types

There is no scientifc validity in the Myers-Briggs personality typology. Consider this stuff just a bit of idle fun.

You are:

slightly expressed extrovert

distinctively expressed intuitive personality

moderately expressed feeling personality

moderately expressed judging personality

An accountant with a feeling personality. You are right Sharon this thing must be rubbish.
Some idle fun :D

  • slightly expressed extrovert
  • distinctively expressed intuitive personality
  • distinctively expressed thinking personality
  • slightly expressed judging personality
Now have to go and look up what it means;)

Hooley dooley!

Hey JenD, I am but an INFP too...(could have a little fun with those initials)

Did you see who we grace the company of; Homer, Virgil, Mary ..mother of Jesus, St John, William Shakespeare, Helen Keller, Princess Di!!, Neil Diamond, Julia Roberts, Laura Ingalls, A A Milne, Lisa Kudrow, James Taylor:) , James Herriot ..

Well, wouldn't mind going to a garden party and meeting kind-like-kind brothers and sisters...but on seconds thoughts none of us would turn up...too shy! ;)

That is good fun.
I'm the same as Handy Andy, an ENTJ. i.e. Extravert, Intuitive, Thinking, Judgmental.

I have done this test many times over the years. A magazine ran a version once that I did, and they paraphrased ENTJ as standing for Executives Need Tough Jobs. ENTJ is typically the CEO personality. And apparently ENTP is the consultant personality. Can't remember any of the others.

I am an ESTP.

# moderately expressed extrovert
# slightly expressed sensing personality
# slightly expressed thinking personality
# slightly expressed perceiving personality

I guess I identify with this line:

Life is never dull around Promoters. Witty, clever, and fun, Promoters live life with a theatrical flourish which makes even the most routine events seem exciting.

But I cannot see that this is more than a magazine quiz ... will ask my sister the psychologist.
OK, Here is mine (below), anyone care to explain? :D

Your Type is
Extroverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
33 88 75 44

ENTJ type description by D.Keirsey
ENTJ type description by J. Butt

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:
moderately expressed extrovert

very expressed intuitive personality

distinctively expressed thinking personality

moderately expressed judging personality
I'm an ISTJ

. moderately expressed introvert
. moderately expressed sensing
. moderately expressed thinking
. moderately expressed judging

I'm feeling very moderate! Should I be a moderator? It says ISTJs are often called inspectors, and that they are reliable and make good secretaries, clerks or business people, which is what I am! I am also in company of Queen Elizabeth and Warren Buffet (I hope some of his good fortune rubs off)but also Eeyore (Winnie the Pooh) and Cliff (Cheers).

Thanks for that - a bit of fun for a change!!!

Sharon, is there a personality inventory that is scientifically valid and reliable, and used widely? How about MMPI-2? used one's are: CAQ (Clinical Analysis Questionnaire), PAI (Personality Assessment Inventory), MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)...all these will stand up to international scrutiny and in a court of law.:)


You are:

slightly expressed introvert

moderately expressed intuitive personality

moderately expressed feeling personality

moderately expressed judging personality

an expressed introvert :confused: