Perth accountants... BAD ones?

I've just searched the forum for good property accountants in perth and everyone seems to be able to reccomend one so it feels like I could just pick any name out of the yellow pages and be able to pick a winner.

Can anyone help me narrow it down a bit by suggesting what questions I should ask to help me make a choice?

I'm looking for someone well versed with trusts and company operating structures for property flipping. I'm not doing it yet but want to, so if I asked the questions without some advice from fellow Somersoft forum members I might end up asking 'stupid' questions that any accountant could answer.

How can I narrow it down to weed out some of the less 'dedicated' ones?

Hi Herewego

Why do you think that a Trust (Discretionary?) and Company Structure is the best structure for flipping properties?
Maybe I should have added 'renovating and then flipping' to the plans which I envisage would require better asset protection, hence the discretionary trust structure and using a separate operating company to handle the business side of the renovations.

But as I haven't done this before I am certainly open to pointers/suggestions. I hope I haven't put the cart b4 the horse...:)