Pics of the ongoing renovations to my PPOR

It's difficult to make comments on a work site

I was hoping to receive a bit of feedback/suggestions on anything that would help spruce up the place a little bit as it'll be easier to do it during this stage than later on. :)
Even tips on how to do things easier or what not to do, etc.

Hello SC3

Why the suspended ceiling in the bedroom?

How tall is the ceiling now?

Nice pics.


The suspended ceiling was to cover the vermiculite ceiling it originally had.
The height with the new ceiling now sits just over 2500mm which is perfect IMO.

I am starting to really like the square finishes many builders are adopting rather that using cornice. It gives the room elegant lines and makes it seem bigger.

I see that you have fitted identical ceiling lights to the ones I used when I tidied up my PPOR.

They look great until a week or so after you start using them.

They fill up with bugs!!!!

The bigs are attracted to the light and then die and fall on to the glass. They are very visible from underneath. Quite annoying actually.

It was a lesson learnt. Next time I will use sealed type lights instead of the suspended glass type which allow easy access for bugs.

The reno is looking good by the way.