Problem accessing Somersoft.

OMG Finally on. Have not been able to log in since Fri. Now I haven't the time to catch up!:eek:

Optus! huh!

Regards Jo
The same for me also however it was only the forums I couldn't access - the rest of the site was ok :confused:.

I figured it was a problem with Somersoft or the ISP as all 3 home computers were down.

I'm with Optus also.
hi all
I asked a couple of somersoft people to check and they could hook up but I coundn't
and yes after a couple of days did ask have I been barred
and check if I was kicked off
got the answer no
so went surfing and have come up with not only a good US site which another investor sent me to
but have also setup a very good business plan
for the project so was very productive
it is very unnerving when you have some thing taht you don't want or need but when you can't have it it become more of a want
why is that with humans.
we always want some thing we can't have
and if we have had it we want it even more
hate to be a jail bird.
I did'nt think i was , and as i recieved the time out thingy again twice , i had a bit off a panic!!!!!!!
But i am all good now especialy after the SS 10 step program. but gee! i wish they would fix the problem?:rolleyes:

I am with 3broad band so its not optus? as i can get on other sites straight away!
The same for me also however it was only the forums I couldn't access - the rest of the site was ok :confused:.

I figured it was a problem with Somersoft or the ISP as all 3 home computers were down.

I'm with Optus also.

The website where Jan & Ian's information is hosted, is on a different server to the website where the forums are.