"Qld boom to continue" AFR article

Todays Fin review

Qld building boom to continue

to paraphrase.....

Queensland constructuion activity is forecast to escalate 39% during the next 2 years to reach a total value of $24.5 billion by june 2006, according to Master Builders Queensland.
Interstate and overseas migration is fuelling the building surge which is expected to run until 2007.
MBQ said in the 9 years leading up to 2002,..construction activity had averaged between $10B & $12B. In 2003-04 MBQ is predicting a total of $17.6B.
...MBQ director said the expectation for a new home has increased from 16 weeks to between 22 & 26 weeks, which had flow on implications to the rental markets (?)..... ABS stats shgow net interstae migration to Qld for year to Sept 2003 was up 38,502, 8.7%...
This translated into 91 new dwellings a day.

Demand for property is good.
Excessive building is bad.
Hopefully Qld doesn't follow in Melbs folly and oversupply!
