Seminar Heaven?

MrsW was in New York a little while ago. They were advertising a weekend Real Estate Wealth Expo. There were 70 separate seminars on for the weekend. Keynote speakers were Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, and Rudy Giuliani- but speakers covering a gamut of other topics (John Burley was just a minor speaker). Flips, foreclosures, real estate on ebay, abandoned properties- the list goes on.

The cost for this weekend? $US149 for unlimited access, down to $29 for everything bar the keynote speakers.

But if you're not into real estate, the range of courses is huge. You could listen to Naomi Campbell on goalsetting for $20 (though I wouldn't be listening so much), or Robert F Kennedy Jr. You can get visits from the afterlife- or even learn how th make money from the seminar business.

Unfortunately I've missed out on How to Launch Your Stand-Up Comedy Career- though sit down one liners is more up my alley :(

If Quiggles has started an interest in US Property, there's some online courses avaliable on
Their was a discussion on of this weekend.

Most seem to feel is was a sales pitch only - if you'd read their books, you were wasting time. Other's didn't and got some inspiration, although it was pretty light on for information in their view.

No one mentioned Naomi campbell. There's a worry - too much focus on one thing only?
quiggles said:
Their was a discussion on of this weekend.

Most seem to feel is was a sales pitch only - if you'd read their books, you were wasting time. Other's didn't and got some inspiration, although it was pretty light on for information in their view.

No one mentioned Naomi campbell. There's a worry - too much focus on one thing only?
Well, she wasn't on the weekend, just promoted by that network.

I'd be happy having exposure to such a range of speakers. My guess is that people over there are so used to this sort of event that they can be critical- whereas we are very ublikely to see anything of that calibre.
That's cheap.

Shows what you can do when there's 20 million people living in one city.

I'd be too scared to attend a Donald Trump session in case his hair escaped and attacked me :p .

Geoff, TV portrays that everyone lives in appartment blocks, with a "super", who can't fix anything.

Do people own these apartments generally or lease them?

Depends. My impression is that the yuppies and poor tend to lease, and just about everyone else tend to own. Overall, the housing stock is about 65% rented, when last I saw some figures.
I was in LA a few weeks ago and you can get the whole Rich Dad Poor Dad in CD version with the Cashfow 101 & 202 included they even throw in 5 of the books from Robert for FREE as a bonus

make sure you are sitting still for this
US$39.95 plus postage of US$8.95
we aussies are paying 5 times that amount or more
Yes, thankyou Jerry. I understood that. But where in the US? Is it at a bookshop, if so which one? A department store? The reason I ask is that I may find a way to access these great deals. Many US stores will send products overseas if you pay online. Alternatively I may be able to get someone who is going to the US to pick one of these packages up for me.