"sleep on it"

Where does the expression sleep on it come from?

Presumably if you dont make an on the spot decision, you can go back the next day with a fresh outlook and potentially more informed / less emotional approach. Anyone want to share any experiences with this?

But... if its a decision worth making, chances are you wont be able to sleep anyways, so not exactly sleeping on it.

Posted by an unwise DT at 2am local time :p
To "sleep on it" means to think something over thoroughly before deciding. When you say this, it usually means you are asking for more time to decide.
I think it's a great way to make important decisions rather than trying to be too analytical and force a decision.
Just let your mind work out the answer/decide for you and it often comes up with the right answers or potential problems all by itself.
Where does the expression sleep on it come from?

"Consider something overnight before deciding, as in I don't know if I want to go on such a long hike; let me sleep on it . This usage was first recorded in 1519 in the state papers of King Henry VIII: "His Grace ... said that he would sleep and dream upon the matter."


Presumably if you dont make an on the spot decision, you can go back the next day with a fresh outlook and potentially more informed / less emotional approach. Anyone want to share any experiences with this?
I have experience with not doing this. My first house was an impulse purchase. I was driving down a road and saw a home open. Inspected the house, wanted it and decided to put in an offer. I did have a break to have something to eat while I mulled over the price. I put in my offer, negotiated and 2 hours later I had my offer accepted. My decision to sell the same house was also an impulse decision. The timing was perfect and I made a nice CGT free windfall. Maybe for me it should be "eat on it".

But... if its a decision worth making, chances are you wont be able to sleep anyways, so not exactly sleeping on it.

"A new study has found that sleeping on a problem really can help people to find a solution. The study tested whether sleep or time spent awake worked best in helping people find the solutions to a range of problem solving tasks."


As an ex computer programmer, I can tell you that I sometimes solve complex problems in the shower. "It's the shower effect. You know, when it suddenly comes to you in the shower."

Hard one, all my purchases have been a *feeling* - like gold running up my arms, and I've gone in and gone in hard. Done well with all 3 ...BUT ... there is no scientific fact to back up a gut feeling. While it worked for me 3 times, doesn't mean it will again.

Trying to *sleep on it* a bit more these days, but am always tortured by that feeling of intuition ... God, getting a bit New Age here ... slap me.
It's usually what solves arguments with my partner :) once jets are cooled it's easier to communicate and make better decisions.
I got ripped off many years ago (not big money really) but since then I have always vowed to sleep on anything over $1000.

It put me in good stead for a while. If I had a sound sleep I knew it was OK.

BUT then I discovered property investing. It doesn't work. I bought a villa in my lunch hour once. Went out, looked, signed the papers. When you know, you know. :D

In most cases my "rule" has worked out as an excuse really. When I really know it's not right.

For example the VERY pushy kitchen designer that stayed until 11pm and kept dropping his price and adding things. "I'll give you a rangehood, I'll give you a sink" etc etc. The only thing he didn't thorow in were the steak knives. LOL :rolleyes: