Small Business Forums

Hi Everyone,

What's the best small business forum in Australia going around?

In other words, which website is the "Somersoft" of small businesses?

Thanks in Advance,

There was a discussion a while back about this.

There are several good forums out there, but none of them are quite "Somersoft".

I did start a new forum which was intended to be the "Somersoft" of small businesses - hasn't gained much traction yet because I haven't had the time to do much work on it or promote it yet.
I've given up on finding one ... most either are swamped with people spruiking thru so-called blogs (aussietycoon) ... or are so poorly frequented that there is no real discussion (the commbank one).

Just best to raise issues here methinks
Hi Adrian,

What do you need to know about small business?
We started a small business about 6 years ago, many principles were learnt from this forum, it's going pretty well for us.
Most learning is done from the actual doing.
Techinical/legal stuff can all be found easy from Google searches. seems ok for very small business- not so much for the sort of thing I'm doing, but friendly and not too spammy. seems ok for very small business- not so much for the sort of thing I'm doing, but friendly and not too spammy.

:) I got flamed badly over at Flying solo a while back for daring to say "profit" is the reason for business. Many others said customer service or to give back etc etc. Those things are all very nice but the business must be making a profit for you to be able to deliver those things :)

I have decided that FS is just too small minded for my businesses and goals for the future. Here at least there is an attitude of growth and prosperity.
Well, Flying Solo is aimed at micro businesses, so that's probably the mindset they have.
Mostly time for money, hourly rate type stuff.

Yes, there is a few people on there who know their stuff but also lot of dreamers and pie in the sky business coach types.
:) I got flamed badly over at Flying solo a while back for daring to say "profit" is the reason for business. Many others said customer service or to give back etc etc. Those things are all very nice but the business must be making a profit for you to be able to deliver those things :)

I have decided that FS is just too small minded for my businesses and goals for the future. Here at least there is an attitude of growth and prosperity.

Yep, I used to post on there to but the blunt answers I gave people didn't go down well. Too much back slapping and blind faith on that forum. There's better people on this forum to talk to about business than any other in Oz I reckon.
It is a very rose tinted place indeed. I do find it useful for getting good contacts, technical (particularly web-related, or IT), or referrals to businesses.

In essence, good to bounce quick questions off such as 'do you know a printer who can do x" or "I need an accountant specialising in y", but not so much in terms of business planning and growth. Unless you want to pay the plethora of career business coaches! :)
Well, Flying Solo is aimed at micro businesses, so that's probably the mindset they have.
Mostly time for money, hourly rate type stuff.

That's one problem I've found, the small mindedness ... I have no interest in swapping my time for money on an hourly basis, but most people who do so call themselves a business. I want the business to be where my time can be tranferred exponentially into $$ ... and there is very little support or advice for this type of setup.

Taking me a damn long time!
I'm currently a member of and while they are a pretty small forum, the contents are pretty helpful for an upstart business owner.