Steam Showers

While in the UK recently I was surprised by how many people were having steam showers installed. My sister had one put in while I was there and it is incredible.

Flashing lights, phone connected, steam room, self cleaning, seat, radio, i-phone connection, foot massager. The link below gives an idea of what they are like.

I gather they originated in the USA and have now become fashionable in the UK. So is this the next thing to hit our shores????

I did a search to see if they are available in Australia but only found a demo one available at Seaford Vic but it did not include all the add-ons my sister had purchased.

The UK one above is 849 pounds and the demo one on ebay is $11,000!!!!

Looks interesting. 849 pounds isn't that bad really.

Especially when you consider how much three panes of 10 mm frameless glass shower costs!
Well done - yes thats it.

My sister had the large one installed. When you go into that site it comes up with RRP of $12,990!!! are they really selling them for $699????

It looks like the Tardis off Dr Who. I suggested that now she can use the controls she could apply for the vacant position of Dr Who, I read where the BBC are trying to find a new one. She said now each time she gets under the shower she finds herself humming the tune :D

hmmm, in UK if only bathrooms were big enough to install a shower. They're usually quite small with a toilet. I can see how it's popular there coz a lot of older houses don't have a shower, just a bath with a shower head. I only had baths in UK. I saw a couple in friend's houses.

But in Oz, who would replace their shower with one of those cubicles? I don't like the look of it either.