Tax refund questions

I have just come back from accountant after doing my tax refund for F07.
I bought my first IP H&L package early 2006 in SE QLD. I believe I was entitled to claim interest during the construction of the house and costs to fly up there (Im from Sydney) to inspect the building. My accountant tells me because the house was not yet been rented I cannot claim at this point until after I sell the property. I thought that was strange. Is that the case?
Thanks in advance.

Ya, I agree. So long your initial intention is for investment purpose when purchasing this property, I don't see why your accountant can't pick this up.

:) Ask him to revise your tax return and ask for fees discount haha

Have a nice day.

Just a little definition, capital costs include all costs "associated with bringing the asset into a position and condition ready for use"

So my understanding is that travel is a capital cost.

the reason interest isnt is because the loan is the capital part, the interest is a service fee and therefore an expense.