The Secret is on channel 9 tonight (sat)

i've been reading "ask and it is given", and struggling a little - probably because it's an information overload and i have to read it a few times more ... but one really big thing i "got" yesterday was part of the ask process.

a month or so ago i put the ask to the universe to supply me with a development block. well, since then i've been all over around 4-5 really really prime development blocks, but for various reason couldn't finance them (no sanf deposit until some other ip's sell). then i realised, i'd asked for development blocks, but not for the money to buy them ...

so, i put out a request for the money for the deposit, but then i made another mistake of trying to dictate to the universe how the money should come to me - which is showing my disbelief that it will be provided. hence, no money coming.

as of yesterday i put the wording out there that i would like the money for the deposit for a development block - and let it go. the universe will sort out how to get it to me.

the feeling was so different. instead of feeling untrusting, apprehensive and controlling, it nows feels like a relief, belief and positive.

i'll let you know how it turns out.
Me too Lizzie. It all depends on HOW one asks. The wording is very important I have found. Thanks for sharing this...I don't feel like such a numpty now!:)
actually, that wasn't quite true - as i have had lots of unexpected money come in, little bits in dribs and drabs ... but nothing enough to finance the development block. prior to putting out the request for a development block, i might have seen one every six months or so - now 5-6 in two months!
Hi Markp
I hope that made you feel good:)
Did not do a lot for me other than I loved that song when I was a kid. I hope your understanding of the LoA grows into something more inspiring for you.

LoA is an age old truism reinvented. Jiminy Cricket stated the obvious, ironically using a human voice. LoA reinvents the language with it's neat little descriptive term.

I loved the song and still do:)
I just noticed that the people behind the secret have started an internet based affiliate or MLM program around The Secret education delivery.

Perhaps I am a bit jaded but it does detract a little from the whole thing in my eyes. But on the other hand it is their property so why not milk it for as much as possible whilst it is popular - I am sure I wouldn't say no to cashing in on a theory of mine.
I just noticed that the people behind the secret have started an internet based affiliate or MLM program around The Secret education delivery.

Perhaps I am a bit jaded but it does detract a little from the whole thing in my eyes.

Was talking to some friends the other night. We get together and meditate and talk etc. 'The Secret' was mentioned. I am sorry but I think it seems like branding. In the same way nutrition is branded (South Beach/Atkins/CSIRO are all brands IMHO)


On another note I was chatting to a 'secret' convert on the way to our cars She noticed an individual word I used in a sentence. Seized upon it. Branded me negative and said that is why I was 'limiting' myself.

It is dangerous to 'assess' without asking the person to clarify what they mean.
The way she chose to impart her 'enlightenment' was to drill in on the negative.

I have no problem with self analysis and improvement but when it makes armchair psychologists out of everyone then it is a pain.

One's own growth doesn't always qualify to facilitate growth in others.
You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Support the positive in others.
Light begets light.
I have to say that her comment and seizing on your "negative" says more about where she's at, than you. I have noticed that when ppl pull me up on their perceived assessment of where I can improve in my life - it generally seems that the issue is actually with them (and no that's not me in denial:) )

Light certainly does beget light and I much prefer honey!
I have to say that her comment and seizing on your "negative" says more about where she's at, than you. I have noticed that when ppl pull me up on their perceived assessment of where I can improve in my life - it generally seems that the issue is actually with them (and no that's not me in denial:) )

Light certainly does beget light and I much prefer honey!

Good point Amanda. Professionally...we call it "projection", which occurs when one attributes their own "stuff" to someone else. These people tend to blame others for what they are thinking and feeling themselves.

Ofcourse the reverse can happen too...when one takes on someone else's stuff as their own. This we call "introjection". These people tend to feel overwhelmed by others, and tend to burn out and become stressed very quickly.
Was talking to some friends the other night. We get together and meditate and talk etc. 'The Secret' was mentioned. I am sorry but I think it seems like branding. In the same way nutrition is branded (South Beach/Atkins/CSIRO are all brands IMHO)


On another note I was chatting to a 'secret' convert on the way to our cars She noticed an individual word I used in a sentence. Seized upon it. Branded me negative and said that is why I was 'limiting' myself.

It is dangerous to 'assess' without asking the person to clarify what they mean.
The way she chose to impart her 'enlightenment' was to drill in on the negative.

I have no problem with self analysis and improvement but when it makes armchair psychologists out of everyone then it is a pain.

One's own growth doesn't always qualify to facilitate growth in others.
You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Support the positive in others.
Light begets light.

Hi Wish-ga
I am right into all this stuff but I agree with you totally.
All the hype at the moment is similar in a way to a property boom, in that it dosen't take long before everyone you see seems to be an expert on the subject. Just like property investors, the ones that will do well out of LoA will be the ones that are still there in the end because they have learned how to make it work.
Note: this is not an attack on Lizzie (or anyone for that matter), I just thought I'd change a couple words here...

a month or so ago i put the ask to God to supply me with a development block. well, since then i've been all over around 4-5 really really prime development blocks, but for various reason couldn't finance them (no sanf deposit until some other ip's sell). then i realised, i'd asked for development blocks, but not for the money to buy them ...

so, i put out a request for the money for the deposit, but then i made another mistake of trying to dictate to God how the money should come to me - which is showing my disbelief that it will be provided. hence, no money coming.

as of yesterday i put the wording out there that i would like the money for the deposit for a development block - and let it go. God will sort out how to get it to me.

the feeling was so different. instead of feeling untrusting, apprehensive and controlling, it nows feels like a relief, belief and positive.

i'll let you know how it turns out.

I could have used phrases like 'the Easter Bunny', 'Peter Pan' or 'the Tooth Fairy' and they all would have flowed so seamlessly throughout that quote.

Personally, no one I know has gotten an answer from god in relation to anything they wanted. Probably because it (god) is a fairy tale. In another thread, I touched on buddhism and the Dalai Lama. As I said then, I really enjoy the teachings of buddhism because they encourage you to look within, rather than outside yourself for what you want/need.

Asking 'the universe', 'god', 'Jim Jones' or any other being to provide for you rather than going out and getting it for yourself is a waste of time. I have a number of friends who have been following this principle for about four or five years now and they're pretty much exactly where they've always been. I however, took responsibility for myself, understood that if I wanted my life to change, the only 'power' that was going to change it was me.

The underlying message I got from Lizzie's story is this: Lizzie has simply been doing what she has always done - which is take action and go out and look for opportunities to move forward. She has come across some blocks, which for whatever reason she couldn't buy at the time. She realises this and knows she needs to wait until some of her other properties sell so she can access some funds.

It's nowt to do with 'the universe' or any of that other stuff and all to do with Lizzie taking control of her own life and choices. Because if Lizzie didn't take action, but instead waited for 'the universe' to provide it for her, she wouldn't get anywhere. I just wonder if from now, Lizzie is going to believe her own accomplishments are a result of her asking 'the universe'?


Your opinions are only worth as much as your experience allows. That I know goes for each of us.
I don't feel that your comments are at all constructive or helpful to Lizzie or anyone else, including yourself.
I hope you get this out of your system soon so we can all move on in harmony.:)
yes and no mark. i have been looking for development sites for around 18 months now - and very very few came up. all of which i investigated. but since putting the request "out there" the number of blocks i have come across (using the same methonds) has increased substantially.

using the same sort of request for money, but using visualisation as well - at least 2-3 times a week i have had unexpected cash come in. this can range from $10 - several thousand. very very nice - but now i'm putting out the visualisation for "large" amounts of cash - and yesterday my agent rang to advise our expensive rebuild ip, that we need to sell before doing the development, has a very serious looker.

but on a more personal note. today i went to the shopping centre (could've gone to a closer one but somehow felt i had to go to this one). cars were lined up outside, waiting to get it. i kept repeating "i will get an easy park" and believed it. lo and behold, a car pulled out right at the front entrance just in front of me - perfect.

i had been thinking a lot lately about my ex-father in law. we had a wonderful relationship and i kept thinking i must go and visit him (haven't seen him in 8 years). i had barely walked in the shops when someone i hadn't seen in 4 years hailed me - after the normal chatter she advised me my ex-fil passed away last week. i was devastated - but if i hadn't been there at that exact time our paths wouldn't have crossed and i wouldn't have found out about him.

then - i had been looking since before christmas for a couple of small, tasteful, decorative yachts for our our house, and was putting out requests to find them. i nipped into a shop i frequent every time i go to that shopping centre, which is only about once a month - and there they were - perfect - exactly what i was after. there were only 2 in the shop, and it is a popular shop, so if i had not gone that day i would have missed out on those too.

if all that is not loa in action - i don't know what is.

rest in peace, ken. i miss you.
Lizzie, my friend and I have a little prayer we say in the car when we are nearing our destination:

Hail Mary Full of Grace
Help us find a parking space!

Works like a charm! We never miss out, and never forget to say "thank you".

I too believe there is no such thing as a co-incidence. We are where we are meant to be at any particular point in time, when we listen.
i try never to forget to say "thank you universe".

it may seem like mere fate - for years i often talked to the universe when i needed assistance, and called it fate when recieved, but since learning about LoA i have been able to focus my thoughts and use them regularly (instead of just occasionally) and have noticed a significant difference in what i recieve.

it can still be called fate, if you wish, or god or jesse james - i just like to call it "the universe". no religious connotations or name of chance with that.

simon is right - those who truely believe and involve themselves in the process have probably always believed on some level (this has just clarified the whole system) and will continue to do so long after.

true - one still needs to do the work involved. this is the recieving part. the universe will not come and knock on my door and say "here's the development block under my arm. by the way, here's a bag of money to buy it with too." but the universe is providing the opportunities for me, so i can seize the moment and take what i am asking for when it is presented.

and too right - your friend is not using LoA in it's true meaning and appears to have just "jumped on the bandwagon". if she were truly feeling a vibrational alignment with the universe then she would not see your negative word, but would align and encourage the positive ones.

i admit i'm finding the hicks forum at big over the top - very american with lots of back slapping and yahoooo, and the american participants don't take indepth questioning to how they came to their conclusions very easily .... or maybe i'm just a staid property investor :D who is used to lively and robust discussion on this forum. it is a good site to dip into, but working on self in this thread and on this forum is doing me so much better. and those moving smilies (icons) are driving me nuts ....
Hi lizzie
I am still trying to get folk on that forum to voice an opinion. I came close to getting a wrap on the knuckles the other day.:) But I will stay there as there is truly a lot of good stuff to learn from the folks with years of experience in Abrahams teachings. I must admit I just can't bring myself to use anything other than a smiley face:) Those icon thingos are so distracting.
I also wanted to say that I am so full of appreciation for both you and Sailor as I wish that I could just be happy for LoA experience the way you guys do.My wife Julie is also just like you. Keep it simple she keeps telling me. But you know I don't think I can control my desire to learn as much as I can on the whole subject. I get so excited.:)
came close to getting a wrap on the knuckles the other day.:) Simon

i saw that - couldn't understand why the other guy was getting so upset. all you were asking was "why ... ?" and he was attacking you back, without coming close to answering the question. that's what i meant about lack of robust discussion. seems if your opinion differs from what someone else has set up for themselves (not all of them), they see it as a personal attack instead of an opportunity to expand and learn.

perhaps it's an american thing.
Fascinating reading people..............

However as I am agnostic, I guess I really don't have to state my opinion of this.

For years I have been trying to *manifest* a blonde that would turn into a pizza and six pack. Despite my best efforts it just hasn't happened....:rolleyes: Probably Mrs Nors negative thoughts are blocking it..........hhhhmmmm

Whatever floats that boat I guess for some people. But you know, if it helps you get through the day and you aren't hurting anybody well great.

