the state of play

hi all - i dip in & out of this forum whenever it suits - a few years back it was running red hot - threads everywhere (mostly about frankston & ipswich .. only joking! .. but it seemed like it at the time!)

when the GFC hit the amount of traffic seemed to slow to practically nothing .. days might pass with no new threads

i've been engaged with the website again over the last couple of weeks & the amount of traffic seems to have picked up somewhat

does this mean that investors are seriously coming back into the market or is it just idle chatter ?

if you find this post i'd like to know whether you're seriously considering buying/or bought, whether you're researching with an eye to a purchase later or just browsing, passing the time of day?

nothing has changed, you should pay more attention.

The GFC saw me purchase and refinance etc and enjoyed low interest rates improved CF etc etc...still on the hunt, all is good.