Took 10 years - but it does happen

The place now is worth about 10,500 CBA shares. Back in '98 it was worth about 8,000 CBA shares.
Just think if you would have reinvested the the div on CBA from 98 up too now on 8000 CBA shares ,simple stress free investing,as long as you only watch the price once a month..willair..
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Very true willair, but then it was our PPoR, so we couldn't squeeze into the CBA shares. As an investment the CBA shares were much better, but we liked the freedom of owning our own abode, rather than owning the shares and renting.

I just wish someone would of grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and forced me to buy / borrow scrape enough together to get 100,000 CBA shares back in '91 when they were launched at $ 5.40 a pop.