turf melbourne

hi guys, i am doing some landscaping to my house. i am going to lay some kikuyu instant turf. best price i have come across so far is $6.60m2. i have seen it a lot cheaper in Sydney.

does anyone know somewhere in melbourne, preferably northern suburbs, that does a better price than $6.60m2?

Kikuyu? Didn't know people were willing to pay for it - will send you a few strands from my front yard - should take over your lawn bed and everything else around it in a week or so :D

The Y-man
oh ok, all i have gone by is brief descriptions iv found on internet.

if anyone can recommend a tough hard wearing turf that stays green most of the time please let me know.

and i would still like to know where people have purchased their turf from with good prices?

Try buffalo.

Not as hardy as kikuyu but much softer and nicer - stuff you find on sports fields etc.

Cheaper turf mixes kikuyu into it - and you find a few years later the kikuyu takes over.


The Y-man
buffalo is the go in my books, i have it here its amazing stuff! just dont cut it too low else your f&^ked!!!!! learnt that the hard way, or if that doesnt take your fancy tall fescue is brilliant too! soft to walk on and its a dormat grass
Quick expensive result: buy some buffalo, any sort will do as long as it is acclimatised to the area.

Slow cheap result: find two or three local lawns that are buffalo and look good, offer to do the edges for them, take home the cuttings.

Two summers later = free lawn :D
Oh dude, wished you'd posted that BEFORE I took the mower out!! :(

Yeah.... it kind a looks.... brown..... better go and find some cuttings and start cultivating per Macca's advice :D

The Y-man

hey YMan, water it at night, if it has just died back in this latest hot weather, give it a good drink with a hose, not a sprinkler, so the water gets down to the roots and it may come back.

Where I am the buffalo gets windblown with salty air every summer, it goes to seed around New Year then dies back when we cut it next. We water it heavily every couple of days and it shoots back up from the roots in late February.

Has happened the past 4 years so worth a try :D
hey YMan, water it at night, if it has just died back in this latest hot weather, give it a good drink with a hose, not a sprinkler, so the water gets down to the roots and it may come back.

Where I am the buffalo gets windblown with salty air every summer, it goes to seed around New Year then dies back when we cut it next. We water it heavily every couple of days and it shoots back up from the roots in late February.

Has happened the past 4 years so worth a try :D


The y-man