US Shipping Address

I've been thwarted a few times recently trying to place orders with US sites that only ship to US addresses.

For those experiencing the same problem - I've just signed up to the PayPal service called HopShopGo. They give you an account with a permanent US address you can have products shipped to, they then repackage and send it to you in Australia for an extra charge (starts from US$24).

Awesome! :)
hopshop is great.... had quite few freebie postage promos too. sometimes it is cheaper to freight direct tho if they will do it. i have done all my shopping online this year
Yes I order a fair bit online (mostly Amazon) and get it shipped direct. At the moment I'm after a few obscure and hard to find items and the couple sites I've found that do offer them only ship to US.
Loving HopShop at the moment! It's actually cheaper in some cases to have stuff delivered to the US address (via free domestic shipping), then have it sent out through them. :eek::)
yeh loving it too... just bought a pair of new brooks trainers, $60 in the US, $200 at athletes foot. Rrrrrip off nation. that's a janet jackson song i think... "we're all living in a rrripoff nation"....
Nice saving!

Check this one out: I placed an order from a business in Hawaii. They only ship to US and Japan. So my package will ship to the US, arrive at the facility to be sent straight back out, stop in Hawaii on the way back over before it gets to me here. :rolleyes:
Cheers for this guys, I've found some awesome deals from amazon and other sites but can't get the goods shipped directly to Australia.