What does being wealthy mean to you?

Yes I came into Australia as a refugee with my parents and brother with no home, money or language skills. The only thing my parents had was a dream to start over. Absolutely true statement for me.

So you were like most Greeks etc who migtrated here then.......

I "came" as a refugee as well.. 1974 from communst romania. But I was 3 yrs old, I never had a life epxerience before it, only the experience here
Being wealthy for me is being able to walk around my house in my undies cause i goddamn want to.

Damn! I've been wealthy without realising it! :eek::D

I must admit however, I would probably go scurrying off to find a pair of dacks if someone rang the doorbell.....

The Y-man
Okay so we've embarked on this journey to becoming more wealthy.

Have you ever considered what being wealthy actually means to you?

How will you know when you are there?

I've had to think this one over a bit and clarify in my own mind. It's still distilling, but I think it is something along the lines of:

"Being able to feed, cloth and shelter ourselves without transacting money"

(Oh, and without stealing it!)

what sacrifices will you make along the way?

Lots of research.
Lots of experimentation.

What are you prepared to give up to get you there?

My job....

The Y-man
So you were like most Greeks etc who migtrated here then.......

I "came" as a refugee as well.. 1974 from communst romania. But I was 3 yrs old, I never had a life epxerience before it, only the experience here

That would be Cypriot thank you - not Greek ;)

that makes you a year younger than me JC

I watched my parents become wealthier than many Australian born people they associated with. Yes - very likely story for many people.
That would be Cypriot thank you - not Greek ;)I did say Greeks etc on purpose...

that makes you a year younger than me JC

I watched my parents become wealthier than many Australian born people they associated with. Yes - very likely story for many people.

Yeah no worries, I didn;t mean to imply you were Greek or not, I simply used Greek etc

I guess in response to Oracle's question, a lot of migrants / refugees rom that part of the world came over with not very much at all and sometimes from very impoverished conditions. Coming here, my parents certainly thought they were lucky, all they had to do was get a job and they could buy a house. OF course that meant scrimping and saving, we kids got hand me downs from cousins a lot. But to my parents, so what, do you think if we were living in Romania you wouldn't be wearing hand me downs even if we we in Romania ?, we'd have been worse off and still had to pay rent ?!
Not sure that was what he was thinking of exactly though when posting his question, not sure if either of us have actually answered it.