Writing your biography in advance - visualisation

IMHO, visualising your goals is one of the most important steps to being an investor. You have to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, how you want to achieve it, and what you do with it after you get there.

One way is to basically write a biography of your future self. Imagine you're a reporter writing an article about the future you. Imagine how the future you would answer:

1) What is the secret of your success?
2) What is your daily routine?
3) What sort of deals do you do?
4) Walk us through one of your best deals
5) What opportunities have you taken advantage of?
6) What's your lifestyle like? What's your family situation?
7) What would you tell an investor who is just starting out?

By thinking about how you would LIKE to answer these questions (based on your future self achieving the goals you have now) you force yourself to think about what you want in a different way. Also, since you assume your future self has already achieved the goals, you think about it from a positive standpoint. Also think about what you DON'T want to appear in the article. Those are things you want to avoid (e.g. how would you feel if you have a reputation of screwing people? Personally, for example, I don't have much of an issue with buying cheap off a desperate seller, but I want to be fair to partners.)

So, in addition to just having goals, you actually have a PERSON you want to become. Think about what your future self would know when doing a deal (this is what you need to learn), how he/she would act (that's how you need to learn to act - do you need to be calmer? More sympathetic? Learn to ask leading questions?), what resources he/she would have (those are the resources you need). Does he/she have business partners? What type? What sort of person would you have to be to attract such partners?

It's said that the difference between a good athelete and a top athelete is the mindset. I think being an investor is the same.
alexlee said:
It's said that the difference between a good athelete and a top athelete is the mindset. I think being an investor is the same.

Damn, and there I was thinking it was good PR :)

Yup I also believe this is very true Alex, visualisation can be a useful technique for achieving any goal - investing or otherwise.

Strengthening visualisation through recording it on paper and reviewing it regularly, can make it even more effective.


interesting to hear it formalised like that!
(BTW Im a fan of your posts Alex but Im a lurker,... other people say it better than me...but i enjoy em!)

it occured to me that that is xactly what I do! I have a journal, started accidentally when i was 12 and kept going.

as well as the usual journal type stuff, every now and again I feel compelled to write a life update on goals inc financial, where i am on the life playing field with projected pathway.

really helps...actually if I havent done it for a while I get twitchy. I need a vision i cant just randomly strike out.
makes for interesting reading, to see the past from the future, helps me modify. I print it out and stick it over my desk

for the same reason, i cant run as effectively without a heart rate moniter. if i dont have one then i coast along and get distracted and start walking. I need a goal to hit. 150bpm! .....bugger 120bpm...pick it up...puff...
probably just have a short attention span,
Journals are a great technique for keeping the creative juices flowing and for staying on track with goal setting. Something that business coaches advocate and something that more of us no doubt should be doing on a more regular basis.
Mind you, these forums could easily substitute for penning of one's thoughts, couldn't they? :)
Interesting thread, and one that Im sure Ill come back to. Funnily enough Ive been daydreaming lately of how the cover of my book will look. :D

There's a lot of excellent academic research that suggests goals that are written down have a higher probability of being achieved.

Every New Year's Day, I review my goals from the previous year, and write out my goals for the next 12 months, 2 & 5 years. I record them in the notes section of my diary.
