Youtube video download

Hi all, trying to download a youtube video and have tried HEAPS of things with no luck.

This site allows me to download video however it has no audio after it's downloaded.

My requirement is that it be available in a .avi file and that it does not cost me anything.

Anyone ?

Something I have been keen to do for a while but when I click on the link I get

Server not found

Firefox can't find the server at

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* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network

* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

This sites downloads the video however I hear no audio after downloading and playing back. :(

What you will most likely find is that the sound is in there, but your computer does not know how to play it back.

Grab yourself VLC ( ) and you'll be able to play any file under the sun - including flv files, and almost every oddly encoded avi known to man.

If you want to use a different player than VLC, you need the correct codec for the file. Try the k-lite codec pack ( ) and see if that gets the audio playing.

If neither of those work, or are not suitable solutions, send me the url to the video you want and I'll figure something out.