Recent content by aman

  1. A

    Peoples thoughts on Adelaide?

    I work in the wine industry now and I can guarantee there is nobody making anywhere near that kind of money. I drive 50km each way to work to get 6-8 hours a day at $20.39/hr. The only reason it's worthwhile for me is my partner works for the same company so we share the commute, and the free...
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    Elizabeth Downs -Hot lead for low cost Mortgagee Sale

    It's simple really... 9% of the rent in Elizabeth at say $220/wk is $19.80. 5% of the rent in Sydney at $500/wk is $25. I know what I'd rather take on if I were a PM.
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    Murray Bridge Rear Block Cut Off

    Thanks for documenting this process for all to see. Very helpful.
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    Elizabeth Downs -Hot lead for low cost Mortgagee Sale

    You'd **** in 3. The Playford Development Plan says they're looking for a MAX of 300m2 for Elizabeth East.
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    Elizabeth Downs -Hot lead for low cost Mortgagee Sale

    Cheer Corey, will give them a go. Syringes wouldn't surprise me in general, but not in this instance. I believe the tenant is a born again Christian who doesn't drink or smoke, something of an anomaly for the area.
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    Elizabeth Downs -Hot lead for low cost Mortgagee Sale

    Probably an outsider who'd never seen a freestanding house under $200k :p Any recommendations for a reasonably priced plumber in the Playford area? My tenant at Elizabeth Grove informs me the toilet has been blocked... for a month now. :eek:
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    Elizabeth Downs -Hot lead for low cost Mortgagee Sale

    Bez, I see where you're coming from but 'way ahead' doesn't always equate to 'better'. People all have different ideas of what a nice place to live is. For me Adelaide is doing alright. It seems to be starting to modernise yet still retain the heritage and the wonderful natural environment so...
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    Elizabeth Downs -Hot lead for low cost Mortgagee Sale This pair has been on the market for over 12 months now. I think they were originally looking for $300k or just under but is looking better value at $250k. It comes off of the Affordable Homes Program in a...
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    Elizabeth Downs -Hot lead for low cost Mortgagee Sale

    I'm curious to know too. I've spent a while looking at the Playford Development Plan (650 pages) and the Vale seems to all be zoned Resi at the moment. Yet I can't see any hard and fast rules to minimum lot size. There's setbacks, site coverage, open space etc. Off the top of my head I can't...
  10. A

    Who Gives Xmas Cards/Gifts for their PM/Tenant?

    I need to decide if I change the gift I give or stop it entirely... Last year I gave my tenant some Crown lager. A few months later I found out they were an alcoholic several years ago. :o
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    Elizabeth Downs -Hot lead for low cost Mortgagee Sale

    Waaaay overpriced.
  12. A

    Concerns re:Holden job losses in SA

    Correct. And I'm getting one of the smaller redundancies. I've worked there for close to a decade and out of the 100's of people I've spoken to I can't recall a single one that lives in one of the 'Elizabeth' suburbs. Here's a quick roll call: Craigmore Munno Para West Salisbury (me)...
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    Concerns re:Holden job losses in SA

    It will have a huge impact for me - in a few weeks I will have an extra $60k in my pocket.
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    Elizabeth Downs -Hot lead for low cost Mortgagee Sale

    I can't see it being a bad thing. As I've said previously, very few Holden employees actually live in the area. If anything there will be more demand for the Elizabeth Grove, South, East etc properties when we can no longer afford our houses in Craigmore etc. and move closer to the factory where...
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    Elizabeth Downs -Hot lead for low cost Mortgagee Sale

    I agree with Corey. I work at Holden and 90% of the people I know there live in Craigmore, Gawler, Paralowie. We are some of the highest paid workers in the area so it hardly makes sense to live in the cheapest areas.