24hrs without a smoke

Well I've just gone 24 hrs so far and I feel good, not really craving for one yet, I was smoking around 30 a day, rollies not tailors FWIW, a big thanks to Rob Williams for his E-book on quitting smoking, thanx Rob!

I've been smoking for about 16 years and have given up in the past but stupidly took up the habit again, my last problem was about 3 weeks into quitting I got terrible cravings and couldn't sleep, I got through it but then I started to feel just like I did when I smoked, a little run down so I decided to start up again since it wasn't making any difference, lets hope I feel great this time.
Great stuff Wtbw,

The lethargy you felt last time would have been due to detox. The body can take a while to expel all those nasty chemicals. Hope you kick the habbit good and proper this time. Ride the detox period out, you will feel great really soon. + = more $ for you. Great for your wtbw strategy!
My pleasure buddy!
Just remember that if you can do this, then you can do ANYTHING! There is nothing you can't do.
Quitting smoking 15 years ago was the single most significant turning point in my entire life.
I did a solo trek to Everest Base camp a few years ago and got caught in bad weather and nearly lost my way coming back. One thing that kept me going and focussed on making it back was the thought that I quit smoking. I kept telling myself that I could could do anything!
Be a winner and QUIT!!!
i just gave up in Jan.
I kinda got sick of the costs, especially cos i bought a crapload of ciggies when i was in asia (super super cheap), and was running on them for about 4 months. Then when i ran out, i couldnt stand the cost.
So i immediately cut back to 1's, and then one day decided that i would just STOP.

I told myself to STOP rather than QUIT... because it sounded less permanent. I figured giving myself a total ultimatum to completely quit wouldnt work, so i tried to stop.
It worked for me. I went down to just one or two a day... then none.

Ive smoked a couple of times since (when out drinking), but my overall resolve is to be a non-smoker. Its working for me :)

Best of luck to you!
Best of luck to you mate.

I have cold turkeyed off morphine but smokers seem to do it a whole lot harder. I have no idea whst it must be like.'

But if people can do it - then you can :)
When you light up after 24 hrs, if its a 8mg or more you will feel disgusting, and you will think why am i doing this for....
When you light up after 24 hrs, if its a 8mg or more you will feel disgusting, and you will think why am i doing this for....

I know they're so discusting, it makes me wonder why I do it to myself, tastes like a$$ but I just keep sucking on it..

I'm still feeling quite good though so I'm happy so far, plus, I gotta live longer to 'appreciate' my capital growth . .

Good luck and stick with it.

I got a friend to do this when she was quitting.
Work out how much per day you were spending on ciggies and put that amount into a money box each day.

when your well and truly off of the smokes count it up and have fun :)

she was shocked at how much she was saving just in day to day cost of smokes. You will save more on your health.
I gave up cold turkey about 6 years ago and as Rob says, best thing i ever did. I smoked without a break for 23 years and boy was it hard stopping.

I just told myself every day its getting easier and closer to not feeling the withdrawal cravings and sure enough after 3 months they reduced considerably and 6 months finished. Havn't touched one since.

You can do it you think you can. And you can.
Good for you mate. I smoked for about 17 years and gave it up over 2 years ago. In fact, I was waiting in traffic today and casually watched an otherwise attractive young women having a ciggie in her car. It certainly is a yukkie habit. I'm glad I am finally free of them. Besides, it looks really stupid to non (and ex ) smokers. Keep it up! After three days, you will not really have the cravings...it's just all in your head.

Phil :)
Well done for giving up lets hope you can stick with it, may be if it gets bad after a few weeks you can just let us know on here and get some support to help you through, Rob is bound to have some good inspirational things to say!
Rob is bound to have some good inspirational things to say!

There are those who say "Rob's always got something to say". You're the first to say it in such a positive way. Thank you :)
I do try very hard to inspire others, based on my limited and humble experiences.
If I can stop buying properties long enough, I can finish the book and get the website sorted out:
Maybe after the next reno is done ...
tastes like a$$ but I just keep sucking on it..
You a$$ sucker you......soon to be ex a$$ sucker ;).

Good luck with it mate. Never been a full time smoker, to which I am grateful, only tried it a few times when I was younger. Definately agree it is a disgusting habit and your body and mind will be so much better for your decision to QUIT.

I can think of two absolute +ves in my life: Marrying my sweetheart in '63 and quitting smoking (for the third time) in '72.

You may, or may not have, married a sweetheart but giving up the gaspers is now within your reach. Hang in there, it's worth it. :D
So i immediately cut back to 1's, and then one day decided that i would just STOP.

I told myself to STOP rather than QUIT... because it sounded less permanent. I figured giving myself a total ultimatum to completely quit wouldnt work, so i tried to stop.
It worked for me. I went down to just one or two a day... then none.

Ive smoked a couple of times since (when out drinking), but my overall resolve is to be a non-smoker. Its working for me :)

Best of luck to you!

My mate's grand dad told us that he ent to a ne gp.. the doctor asked him if he smoked, he said yes. The doctore asked how many a day - he said none.

Doctor looked at him confused.. He said my last smoke was 25 years ago.
The doctor said , so you quit that's good.

"No I haven't quit, I'm jsut avoiding it"

Good on him, he avoided it for over 35 years !

I'm a low volume smoker - dont even take them to work. But I smoke on social occassions, take them with me then...

That's how I gave up. Just until lunchtime. Just until I finished work. Just until next morning. Then you go from hours to days. The months, then years. One step at a time.
It works!
That's how I gave up. Just until lunchtime. Just until I finished work. Just until next morning. Then you go from hours to days. The months, then years. One step at a time.
It works!

Broke my "not taking them to Saturday lunch" rule (have a standing a lunch appointment each Saturday at a local cafe) cause of all the other *******s around me.

Got down to just over 1 pack / week

Tip I got given by chinese accupuncturist

Get a lemon (thick skin, and home grown is better) chop it in 4... ut n blender with 4 tsp redgum honey and a touch of war water - blend as much as possible... pour into 2 cups and drink 1/2 in the am 1/2 in the evening.
give it up to 2 weeks
Different strokes for different folks, JC, but I tapered off. Mainly smoked when I was having a beer so started giving away my pack of cigs before I went home. It doesn't cost a cent more to give them away than to smoke them.

I remember a mate driving to Mt Isa who grabbed his fags, looked at them, threw them out the window and said "I'm an ex-smoker!" Anyone who says they will quit when they finish the pack they have in their pocket is just fooling themselves. It just never works.
Smoked a pack a day for 9 years, last thing at night in bed and first thing in morning before getting out of bed (OK I lie, sometimes I was good and would get up in the morning and have a shower and make coffee before having a cigarette).

Most powerful thing I ever did giving up (20 years ago this year). You CAN do anything when you know you have given up.

There is a lot of psychology in giving up, lots and lots.

Good luck

Different strokes for different folks, JC, but I tapered off. Mainly smoked when I was having a beer so started giving away my pack of cigs before I went home. It doesn't cost a cent more to give them away than to smoke them.

I remember a mate driving to Mt Isa who grabbed his fags, looked at them, threw them out the window and said "I'm an ex-smoker!" Anyone who says they will quit when they finish the pack they have in their pocket is just fooling themselves. It just never works.

yeah I wasnt trying to suggest I feel otherwise - look at me.. I atually did the lemon thing for a bit & then stopped doing it.. as Tim says, psychology plays a big part, at least for me

I give smokes to people just about anytime someons asks for one, but not like you did.. probably a cool idea

It was different to see the smoking attitude and behaviours fo smokers in Europe compared to here. in a place where the closest they have (soon to change this european summer according to tv last night) is smoking in one 1/2 of the restaurant and non smoking in the other.. Pple will light up a smoke in someone's house (read apartment) without thinking twice, small shopowners will smoke in their shop.. and as soon as you've finished dinner, no reason to wait for the other pple to finish their meal to light up
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