$4 mill rent a week: typo yes it is!

I'm with Doovalacky. $450 per week.

I don't get why people don't proof read their ads! I was looking at one today, which had the classic repeat of a word and also an extra "the", as in it was in the wrong place twice. The whole ad was just poor - property advertised is $1,300pw too.
I'm with Doovalacky. $450 per week.

I don't get why people don't proof read their ads! I was looking at one today, which had the classic repeat of a word and also an extra "the", as in it was in the wrong place twice. The whole ad was just poor - property advertised is $1,300pw too.

Cause we're human beings and despite out best intention sometimes............ :)

More annoying than a mistake such as this is PM's or REA's exaggerating the merits of an attribute a property may have as if it's the be all and all of everything and therefore, worth MORE than it's being offered at - give me a break !
Ah but Dazz, look at how many tenants. ;)

I know of a facility which rents for $1m a month, one tenant, 20 year lease, all maintenance and the like paid by the tenant.

The electricity bill for said facility is over $40,000 a month also. :O
Virtually?! It looks 30mins at the very least!

Jaycee, I'm just very fussy when it come to advertising materials, letters, leases etc. We had an assistant who would miss names and rental amounts on leases and had many mistakes throughout almost every piece of paperwork that came across my desk. Needless to say I did all of my own admin once seeing the amount of errors and noticing that anything I would say would go in one ear and out the other (old enough to be my mother, and hated that I was promoted ahead).