$75 Manufacturers Manual Charge

I got 4 Agency renewals today in the post,noticed this charge as a outgoing payable by the owner.The properties are all South Australia,and i know the legislation has been recently updated,but seriously....................a manual on all electrical appliances. :eek: Anyone else seen these charges?
I think this is absolutely ludicrious and I would challenge it.

I'm all for providing a set of manuals with a property and have fallen victim to them getting lost over time (and then having tenants request elec call outs because they can't use the property).

You can get a PDF for most appliances with a 5 second Google search. I'd keep a copy of all these in could based storage. I bet you they are just printing out and binding these PDFs and charging you $75 for the privilege.
How about the tenants pay a $75 bond for manual, refundable on return at vacate. :rolleyes: I think it's a try on by agent - challenge them firmly and ask them to justify ...to YOUR satisfaction. As stated above, manuals for almost anything are usually available online and you should have been asked first if tenant was too dumb to know how to use anything. Another way around this is to set your expenditure without approval needed to $0 like I have ...other than that covered by emergencies.
Although I suggested collecting a bond in fun, it's probably a good idea!

If agent feels a manual is worth $75 and charges as such, a security bond is therefore justified to ensure the care and return of that valuable manual when vacating. I think an agent would be left speechless if that was put to them ....how could they argue against that logic :eek: :confused: :eek:

But in future, conversation goes like this:
Tenant - hey agent, I can't work out how to set the timer or clock.
Agent - I can get you a copy of the manual, there will be a $75 bond for its safe return.
Tenant - don't worry about it, I'll get my friend/sister/dad/aunty to show me.
