A happy life balance


For couples , I suggest reading this:


A few of our couple friends did the book together for fun but it was surprising what we learnt about our own spouse....most couples do not "speak" the same language and that leads to unhappiness with one another...understand what is your spouse main "language" and a lot of problems can be anticipated:D

All of us agreed it has lead to an improvement on our relationships:)

1. I agree with Virgo about the book, I read it for fun and then discovered what my partner needs is very different to mine, and instead of giving what I think he needs, I started to listen ( I mean really listen, rather than in one year and out the other ) and our relationship has changed partly thanks to the book. So may be it would be a good idea for your partner to read the book too. It could be that your needs are not met somewhere that when your partner asks you to do stuffs, you feel it is a chore rather than you do them happily ( just my guess, might not be true).

2. I recently went on a training and the psychologist taught the concept of 'energy management': you draw 2 circles: one for home and one for work( for those who work) and put in all the activities you do each day/week, those activities that give you energy will have an arrow pointing into the circle, and those that take away your energy will have an outward circle. Then you step back and reflect on those that give you energy you should do more of, and those that takes away your energy: you have 2 options: you either stop, reduce doing them, or you change your attitude to see the positive side of that activity: for example, for me I hate meetings, and enjoy networking, so I changed my attitude to see the benefit of meetings: to know more and network with people.

3. Another excercise to do is the Wheel of Life circle ( you can google this, plenty of template) to assess which aspect of your life you would need to focus on improving

4. Last excercise :) : to write down a list of the 3 most important things you think are your priorities: then on another column, write down the list of the top 3 things that you are focusing on: with this excercise, what I found in the past was: although I put health and family as the top priorities, in reality, work and Finance came first. Since then I make sure I focus on the right priorities.

5 The last thing is: having regular excercise, or regular physical activities helps you feel good, so you stay positive whatever might come your way.

Sorry long post and maybe not exactly what you asked for however I thought I would share.

A management tool I have at home is that we have a whiteboard in the kitchen. On it gets written the goals we are currently working on - polishing the floors has been there for several years. Things like fence maintenance or new tyres, but also the grocery list. If something is required by other people, it has to be communicated to me (the purchasing officer) or it doesn't get purchased. I think fence has been up there for over a year, but the dog hasn't escaped yet so it's not urgent.

When we had little kids, I had a calendar and events had to be written onto the day/time or they didn't happen.

Life balance?
I ensure we go away for the weekend once a month.