A.P.I Wraps Article

Hi, if you recently read the A.P.I. magazine you may have read the article written by Terry Ryder about wraps. If anybody would like a free audio copy of this hour long interview between Terry and myself please go to www.creativerealestate.com.au or call Liz in my office and she will gladly mail you out one.
You may find it interesting listening
Rick Otton
Is this really Rick, or wbh, whoever that may be?

I'll assume that it's you Rick.

I have been to one of your intro nights, and I respect what you have done, and I do find that your ethics apper impeccable.

It's a pity though that there's only an hour long audio interview available- and even then, only by request.

I can see that there's the scope for someone to abuse the process, which is the big worry expressed in the API article. That does not reflect on yourself at all.

I'd certainly be interested in seeing the interview in a more readily accessible format- even a few selected highlights would be useful.
In case I wasn't clear,
the conversation were sent to our office in cassette form and we are happy to give these away free to anybody who wants one....
or have I missed the point...
Rick Otton