Anyone buy an IPAD?? thoughts and impressions..

Ipad 3 for my birthday

I decided to buy an IPAD 3 for my birthday. Pretty much so that I can preserve my sanity. I'm living with mum and dad. Dads tv is so loud and its at the front end of the house and very close to the computer room and its driving me crazy. Then in the family room (the middle part of the house) mum has her tv loud too so as to drown out my dads tv haha.

Anyway I have found a solution so that I can have a bit of piece and quite when I need it and some space of my own. My room is at the back of the house and what I've been doing is closing the family room door off and my bedroom door and then I cant hear anything! :) Only problem is is that I'm surfing the net on my iphone. Its small plus its harder to post on forums. So I decided that for my next birthday I'd buy an IPAD. Big milestone birthday coming up so I'm likely to get around $500 for my present!! yey. I'll buy one of those keyboard cases so I can type properly.

Who has an ipad here? Do you find you use it more than your computer? I reckon I'll be using my ipad mainly to surf the net, post on messageboards, read newspapers, that sort of thing. What do you use your ipad for?
it's probably a more convenient thing than a laptop if you just want to read

i personally read a lot of electronic books and love to read in bed or on the couch, but laptop just doesn't cut it

this would do, but i would wait for it to become cheaper

Yep this is what I do all the time. If i'm watching tv on the couch 90% of the time I'll be surfing/reading my iphone whilst watching the tv. Same goes for when im in bed. I'm surfing on my iphone. Ipad will come in quite handy for me. :D

I've been wanting one for aaaaages! This birthday i'll finally buy one. Actually I promised myself one when I got to my goal weight and I've reach my goal weight so its my reward as well as birthday present. Waited a long 2 years. April 2010 was when I started to lose the weight.
Not too sure when the IPAD 3 is coming out.

I have the original IPAD. Good for general surfing and reading. The RE and Domain apps are good too. Suggest you get Dropbox and Evernote as well, so I can share my files and notes between devices.

If I want computing power, I go back to my laptop.

Actually I promised myself one when I got to my goal weight and I've reach my goal weight so its my reward as well as birthday present. Waited a long 2 years. April 2010 was when I started to lose the weight.

Strange enough i remember you having that goal. Also strange is that this is my first post in almost a year?

Congrats. I think youl love the new ipad. From what i hear. Its another crazy leap in technology. Its funny looking back at folks opinions on the thing. 2years down the track...i bet all the haters have a different idea of it now. Mine still remains the same. Happy bday APK
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I've reach my goal weight.

You could do this with a faster, better featured, more versatile netbook for half the price.

lol goodluck with that! Apple products (from what I've seen) don't really drop in price, they just keep bringing out new models. e.g. a few years on with the iPhone and they aren't half the price they were initially, just newer model with a couple of extra features that should have been in the original.

Apple products are ok as long as you don't mind paying the 30%+ w@nk factor premium for a product that is less feature rich than it's competitors.

We have around 40 devices and boxes in our biz ranging from XP pro machines that are almost from last century, a few iPhones of various forms, an ipad, android phone and pad and bunch of win 7 pro net books.

Each serves the purpose well.

I'm not a bigfan of Mac for biz use like ours because we have enough of an it support bill without further complications.

I see apple product very much like Lexus product, and windows /android product like Toyota.


i prefer not to buy things like that from eBay.

hard to know what you'll get

My experience is that if u purchase from reputable highly scored eBay businesses its all good.

All our it and tech needs Inc consumbles come via this time saving way.

One exception is where we build a custom server.... very specific product soec where the volume power of eBay doesn't apply


Hi Alex, before you buy an iPad, you might like to read this article and do a Google for 'Pwn2Own'.

Safari fails (yet again).

From the article from last years Pwn2Own:

Apple had a poor showing at Pwn2Own, with both the mobile and desktop versions of Safari hacked, Ars Technica reports. French security firm VUPEN took down desktop Safari with a combination of well-known techniques for bypassing operating system protection and new code to make these techniques work on 64-bit systems. The iPhone fell to Charlie Miller and Dion Blazakis, who compromised the smartphone through a special web page. Apple has since protected itself against the particular exploit used by Miller and Blazakis, but the underlying security flaw still exists.


But it wasn’t all bad news. Google’s Chrome survived the competition — its third successful Pwn2Own in a row — and Mozilla’s Firefox escaped attacks for the first time since it became part of the competition in 2009, according to Computerworld. However, Chrome uses the same Webkit engine that was exploited for the Blackberry hack, and so Google has already released a patch to fix the problem. (That means Google’s $20,000 bug bounty went unclaimed.) Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 and Google’s Android phones also emerged unscathed.

What this particular article doesn't tell you is that Safari has 'won' Pwn2Own four years in a row. By 'won' I mean it has been the first browser to be hacked four years running. Last year it took 10 seconds - and that was after Apple updated their software literally just before the contest to ensure that known vulnerabilities weren't exploited.

So it might pay for you to look at alternative options. I don't know much about these devices, but I've heard the Samsung Galaxy Tab pad is supposed to be pretty good. If you insist on buying an iPad, at least use an alternative browser like Chrome or Firefox. Personally, I wouldn't give my money to a business that clearly does not take security very seriously, but that's just me.

Chrome may be the way to go. Judging by this announcement on Monday, Google take their browser security very seriously:

Google to offer $1 million to whomever can hack Chrome in their own contest.
Interesting to see the views from over a year ago.
I got an IPad2 last year. I never had a laptop (used to borrow hubby's) so thought I'd splurge.
I have a Kindle and love that but haven't used it since getting the IPad.

Before going overseas I downloaded some games, skype, newspaper apps, video apps etc.
I downloaded some books and also my PDF files that I've been meaning to read. You know all those free investment books etc that companies send you. I read heaps on the train etc.

I downloaded some TV shows and movies to watch if I got home early of a night and couldn't sleep, and also for the plane. I type up my journal on it and download photos to share. Great to take to work to show colleagues my travel photos. Can look at them, zoom in etc. Better than printed photos and the quality is great.

Skype is great because you can video chat with loved ones for free. There's even an app that you can type in any airport and it tells you where hire car places, restaurants etc are. Great.

There are so many amazing apps to suit anyone.

Heading off again soon so will download more movies and books.
I love it.
I got stuck at a party last night twice. The first was by an evangelical Christian. The second an Apple fanboy.

The evangelical Christian was far less annoying and far less intent on oressing their world view and religious leanings than the Apple fan.

Like a bloody cult.
I got stuck at a party last night twice. The first was by an evangelical Christian. The second an Apple fanboy.

The evangelical Christian was far less annoying and far less intent on oressing their world view and religious leanings than the Apple fan.

Like a bloody cult.

suppose that begs the question..............

in todays world, what is a cult :)

I belong to a bunch of business and self development associations et al, which ongoingly get referred to as "cultist"

I suspect for an outsider, Somersoft is a "cult" for sure ...............


Thanks Mark

Im serious : )

the lines have become seriously blurred ...........what would have been clearly not mainstream and considered cultist say30 years ago, is now accepted as "doh, everyone does that" a useable example may be tattoos..............

BTW, the band is THE cult

I was after

A Cult :D

Hey guys, thought I'd share my experience.

I have an iphone and asus eee pad tf101

I like my phone (when it LETS me answer calls), but find it a bit small for certain videos, and even reading (i read comics) a bit of a pain. The apps are great and reliable. Most companies make apps for apples, which is cool, and its easy to get accesories for. Also they make stero systems that you can connect them to. And it helps that if your battery is low, most likely someone has a charger for it.

So eventhough I like phone, and use it daily for non-phone replated things, the ipad2 was took expensive, and Ipad has restrictions. Such as no flash, and itunes. I HATE ITUNES! Its probably what puched me to get an andriod tablet instead. Its a pain to transfer my music into my iphone, and I wanted something I could easly transfer my files from desktop to tablet.

My asus isnt great. The andriod market is full of crappy apps, and not ones I use on my phone (for example, no or apps). And some apps are made for andriod phones which they port into andriod tablets, so the images in the app are upscaled and look cheap. But it still has some good apps, and it is great for doing things my iphone cant, or it doesnt do well. And with Ice Cream Sandwich update, it seems to run much better, which was an issue. Also the price was $400 on ebay brand new. Also, one more point, an ipad would keep its value longer, if you wish to resell.

So if you want a bigger iphone that doesnt make calls, you can get an iphone. BUT, if you are like me and want something that both bridges the gap between iphone and computer, and you want the holes from an iphone filled in (eg. itunes!), then give an andriod tablet a go.
for those wanting to buy 1,

Bigw are now selling the basic ipad2 for $398

myer are selling them for $429,
myer are also selling $500 gift voucher for $550,
so Ipad2 at myer can cost as little as $379
I spent most of last year working on Android apps for one of the major device manufacturers, but haven't used an iPad or iPhone heavily.

Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) is rather like iOS, but lacks the same polish. From my brief experience, Apple's software is a lot slicker.

Android 3 and 4 (Honeycomb - tablet only and Ice Cream Sandwich) are better than their predecessors, but I've not really got to play with them that much. Somehow I never got to hang onto the newer long as managers always seemed to need it desperately for something. :confused:

In terms of hardware, Android phones are more capable than iPhones, but can be larger. Much larger in the case of the Samsung Galaxy Note.

However, Apple's products feel much nicer in the hand. I find Samsung phones feel a bit plastic, though there are rumours that the Galaxy 3 is going to have a ceramic chassis. Some of Sony's offerings are nice, and I like the top end Nokias (not Android, I know).

Apple's app store is ahead of Google's. Part of that is down to rampant piracy on the Android store, and part of it is that an iOS app only has to concern itself with two or three different devices, rather than the proliferation of different handsets running different versions of Android.

Alex mentioned using an iPad for web browsing and email. The Asus Transformer Prime could be worth checking out too, as there's a keyboard attachment. But get the latest version with the 1920 x 1080 resolution.