At what point do you stop being a tighta$$ ?

you stop being TA before you buy property
i'm of the opinion that you need to enjoy the process
doesn't, mean you need to blow all your money on pokies, but you should allow yourself certain gratifications, or else your life will be dull, and you won't be happy with it

to be honest i don't think you need to be a TA at all
As above last 3 posts. When I first had a baby and went down to one income we were renovating a house that was virtually a knockdown. We were driving crappy cars that broke down all the time. We couldn't afford to totally fence off property and constantly had criminals in our yard. All our income went on repairs. I was mesirable. We eventually saw the light. Borrowed more money off the bank. Spent $10k on a fence, $10k on a decent car, $7k on tradesmen. Bought a 12 year old house that had just been totally renovated and kept old house as rental. Never been happier. It's a shame I couldn't have enjoyed my baby more, she's now 10.

My Grandfather lived through the depression and built up businessess and invested in commercial properties. (would buy 10 houses sidebyside and redevelop). He worked hard, died at 60 - before I was born. My uncle benefited most and lived as a multi-millionaire.

My philosophy is to enjoy your journey. Do what's important to you. We don't have a plasma (i barely watch TV) but my husband has never missed any important event the kids have had at school. We go on holidays about 3 times a year. That's what's important to me.