Australia's Cheapest Farmland?

Thank you for the invitation. I would love to start thread on this topic. Any suggestions for which discussion group it would best suit? Coffee Lounge may be a bit too lightweight for such a serious subject.

I have started a thread in "The coffe Lounge" titled "The future of food"
Hi Grain grower/ Topcropper,

It is fascinating to read the thread.

My son keep saying to buy a farmalnd (preferably wheat growing land) by reading the following thread:

I have two options:

1) I buy a piece of farmland and lease it out .
2) I can buy a small block and leave it as dead money for now (not preferable).

We are Sydney based and prefer to be in any other state than NSW for tax purposes.

Can you please guide me and help me out to acquire this? The above thread sselling for $600/acre for wheat land. Do you think that is possible to get if I want to purchase privately.

I am a salary earner woman only. Also I can take the first proposition if it can be negatively geared etc.

Some websites for help will be good. Love to meet you & hear your stories from your farming experience.
from topcropper

Thank you for the invitation. I would love to start thread on this topic. Any suggestions for which discussion group it would best suit? Coffee Lounge may be a bit too lightweight for such a serious subject.

Some of you have weighed in on the food shortages and skyrocketing prices angle. Definitely a huge concern but I very much doubt that Monsanto GM crops will solve this problem. We need to support the smaller farmers and locally grown food, something that Monsanto has a record of NOT doing. Read this article:


You were quoting a women's magazine/gossip rag? About something as serious as food supply? WTF?