Carbon tax

The commonsense is that weather is not influenced by one single factor. There are many other factors, which are possibly more crucial then CO2, that can contribute to the weather changes. It's naive to conclude that CO2 is the only and the most important factor that causes the hot weather in the past few years.
We know there are other factors that influence temperature, but most are short term (eg. 11 years for sunspot cycle) cyclical behaviours.

Again, we have had record low temperature in the past few weeks, I don't think the low temperature is caused by significant reduction of CO2 because Gillard's carbon tax hasn't started yet.
Long term trends over the entire planet, not one-off local events.
....and I would suggest for quite a considerable number of people, 'carbon pricing' is an issue for them because they choose to think climate change is a load of 'crap'.

and I'd suggest Labor and the Greens think global warming is a load of crap. Otherwise, they'd price carbon at a figure that would actually make a difference. How can they possibly sleep at night knowing $23/tonne won't cut it. All that angst....oh dear.
Another great post OO. It wouldn't surprise me to see Mr Turnbull jump the fence at some stage. Politically, not sexually. I'm sure Tony Rabbit wouldnt mind.

Okay, sure, 2 x Tony Abbott cartoons 'swamping':p (that really is okay, Nanna Dazz didn't much approve of it either)..the first cartoon I have deleted, that was the one about Tony Abbott 'Through The Ages'...thinking the wheel was silly, internal combustion engines will never get off the ground, inoculations just hocus pocus, clinate change 'crap' and carbon tax worthy of a people's revolution via Alan Jones's airways...

the second, which is now the 'first' cartoon:


Refers to Malcolm Turnbull's comments last week to press about the challenge he faces (as an ETS/carbon pricing supporter), juggling that in the liberal party, (ALONG with other rational minded party members!!)-led by Tony Abbott, whom, does not, (then does) believe in climate change, does, (then does not) want an ETS.

Here are his comments:

Read more:

An explanation of the word 'duplictous', as used in the cartoon..

The cartoon is about the expressed (and on the record) differences b/w Abbott and Turnbull, over the ETS...resulting in the leadership switch, and which has now resurfaced last week, (by Malcolm).

We almost certainly will have the carbon pricing legislation, it more than likely will become an ETS. Tony Abbott, (thankyou universe) was not made Prime Minster. Get over it.

Apart from 'some' very interesting information (you guys know who you are) and some relevant, robust this thread, "Some" operative word...there has been numerous ridiculous and irrelevant political bagging, the sheeple disciples of Tony Abbott are whiney, squawky, repetitive, disgruntled and bitter about TA not being voted in as PM, as is TA himself. Bingo!:D

and I'd suggest Labor and the Greens think global warming is a load of crap. Otherwise, they'd price carbon at a figure that would actually make a difference. How can they possibly sleep at night knowing $23/tonne won't cut it. All that angst....oh dear.

The Greens would have set the price at $1,000,000 a tonne if they could have, but that's not something that is economically sensible.

The point is to start low and get the ball rolling.
and I'd suggest Labor and the Greens think global warming is a load of crap. Otherwise, they'd price carbon at a figure that would actually make a difference. How can they possibly sleep at night knowing $23/tonne won't cut it. All that angst....oh dear.

I'm sorry mate, just wanted to clarify on this, Julia asked the press 'not to write crap' (ie the Rabbit food being pumped out by Tony), not that Climate Change was 'crap'.
While just about every western country has interest rates at or close to zero and unemployment close to 10%, with Australia actually had to raaise rates as the economy was powering ahead post GFC (albeit the commodities boom helped) i think there is quite a bit to show for it.

The benefits of Australia not being in that dire economic situation will be evidenced by future generations.

While the ramifications of countries having massive economic fallout due to the GFC will be felt negatively for years and years to come.

But, of course all this doesnt mater to Liberal supporting, short term thinking economic rationalism.

at the end of which there is very little to show for it asides from a swag of overpriced school canteens, a few fried pinkbatt installers and a pile of 3 year old plasmas ... oh ... and a whooping great debt.
...and just to remind those that may have forgotten, the liberal votes that exchanged Turnbull for Abbott was (from memory) 42 to 41.

The issue was largely about an ETS, Malcolm Turnbull bless his little Greenie soul supports an ETS, even a carbon pricing scheme IF it leads to an ETS.

Don't go lumping all the coalition into anti carbon pricing Rabbit followers Stefan, you might be in for a big surprise!
....and while I'm at it, John Howard never got support for his carbon pricing reforms, he couldn't even get it off the ground, yet he brought us GST and the leaky boats...(meaning he could do some seemingly very powerful things).

Kevin Rudd could not get it off the ground, Malcolm got booted out of leadership (albeit by one vote) about an ETS...

Julia Gillard (and yes, it's to go through 'officially') has almost, not quite there yet, achieved what no other Ozzy politician has done.

It will more than likely cost her the leadership and Prime Ministership, but she has achieved what no other person has been able to rally.

No mean feat.

Good job Julia.

Just to check. Are you comparing trained scientists, experts in their field to the people in the audience of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

Several years ago, scientists told us that roof insullation would reduce the consumption of electricity. Now scientists say it does not happen.

Terry Williamson, as the associate professor of the school of architecture at the University of Adelaide said recently that the most worrying feature of his life's work is that peer-reviewed evidence proving ceiling insulation lives up to grandiose claims -- that it leads to a reduction in home energy consumption and a drop in greenhouse gas emissions -- does not exist.

Again, you should look at the commonsense. After you have had insulation installed, your house takes longer time to heat up by the sun during Winter time and your house takes longer time to cool down during summer period. So you have to use your aircon to keep you comfortable. The insulation scam did nothing for environment but costing billions of dollars of taxpayers money and costing many people's life.

Scientists are human too and they make mistakes, just like rest of us on the earth.
Quoting some dumb academic professor in an extreme right wing, anti Labor Murdoch owned publication is not common sense.

Several years ago, scientists told us that roof insullation would reduce the consumption of electricity. Now scientists say it does not happen.

Terry Williamson, as the associate professor of the school of architecture at the University of Adelaide said recently that the most worrying feature of his life's work is that peer-reviewed evidence proving ceiling insulation lives up to grandiose claims -- that it leads to a reduction in home energy consumption and a drop in greenhouse gas emissions -- does not exist.

Again, you should look at the commonsense. After you have had insulation installed, your house takes longer time to heat up by the sun during Winter time and your house takes longer time to cool down during summer period. So you have to use your aircon to keep you comfortable.

Scientists are human too and they make mistakes, just like rest of us on the earth.
Several years ago, scientists told us that roof insullation would reduce the consumption of electricity. Now scientists say it does not happen.
Your article makes the claim that there was never any properly reviewed scientific evidence that insulation reduces energy usage.

Again, you should look at the commonsense. After you have had insulation installed, your house takes longer time to heat up by the sun during Winter time and your house takes longer time to cool down during summer period. So you have to use your aircon to keep you comfortable.
No, the article pins it purely on behavioural changes. Your "commonsense" is rubbish.

Scientists are human too and they make mistakes, just like rest of us on the earth.
Which is why experiments are repeated and theories reviewed.
From Mike Carlton:

When Gottlieb Daimler sold his first automobile in 1892, it was a grim omen for blacksmiths, farriers, bullock drivers, ostlers, grooms, coachmen and postilions.

There was panic. The opposition leader of the day - a Mr Abbott, I believe he was - stormed the country to warn of the evils of this new and fiendish contraption. It would mean the end of the horse. Millions of jobs would be lost. "The motor car must be stopped in its tracks," Abbott cried, as he paused to be photographed while pretending to shoe a fine chestnut gelding. "I will stake whatever is left of my political future upon it."

Fast forward and nothing changes. Tony Abbott's ever more strident campaign against the carbon tax flies in the face of progress and commonsense. It is all sound and fury, negativity raised to an art form. You know that, deep down, he truly believes that climate change is not happening.

The marvellous thing is that no setback daunts him. He announces the imminent death of the coal industry, only to find that Peabody Corp, the US energy giant, is making a $5 billion bid for one of Australia's biggest producers, Macarthur Coal.

Learning that most economists believe his alternative policy is a complete crock, he retorts that there must be something wrong with them, not him. You have to admire the chutzpah, if nothing else.

And for the moment, anyway, it seems to be working. The opinion polls all have him well ahead. Shout for long enough that the sky is falling in and sooner or later people will start to believe you.

It helps, too, that this Gillard government is so hopeless at communicating that it would struggle to sell hot meat pies at a footy game.
The Greens would have set the price at $1,000,000 a tonne if they could have, but that's not something that is economically sensible.

The point is to start low and get the ball rolling.

"get the ball rolling?" to where exactly???? ha ha. yeah, we've got all the time in the world before the 21st century av temp rises 1.1C, or is it 6.4C?....never mind, the climate scientists agree it is going up anyways and we are all going to die unless carbon is priced at $1,000,000,023/tonne in nominal 2011 dollars, with the proviso headline cpi doesn't rise above 3.5%pa, global GDP doesn't increase >2.645%pa.

And bonus, current account deficit nations are bound to be economically healthier in 10 years, by just continuing to borrow from current account surplus nations, so we'll be able to afford $1023/tonne, oh by 2014. :rolleyes:

On the other hand, if we wait until the temperature goes up, we won't be producing much of anything, and we'll die in our millions. Problem fixed. Good old Mother Nature's negative feedback solves the problem.

edit: here's a question for the hysterics.
Which is more important? 42B for NBN or replacing brown coal power stations with renewables?

So the question on everyone's lips.
How many years have I got left to labor to pay the carbon tax, before I die from global warming?:D
While just about every western country has interest rates at or close to zero and unemployment close to 10%, with Australia actually had to raaise rates as the economy was powering ahead post GFC (albeit the commodities boom helped) i think there is quite a bit to show for it.

The benefits of Australia not being in that dire economic situation will be evidenced by future generations.

While the ramifications of countries having massive economic fallout due to the GFC will be felt negatively for years and years to come.

But, of course all this doesnt mater to Liberal supporting, short term thinking economic rationalism.

By god evand. I thought you were actually financially smart. What do you think $150B in Labor debt will do for future generations when Labor is finally finished. The Spanish, Italians, Greeks were also very happy with their socialist government when the governments were spending big. Now they face the reality of socialist spend governments. Australia will be no different under Labor and Greens.
And don't count your chickens before they hatch. Australia is in for an all mighty downturn. The problem is Labor would have spent all the money.
Somersoft is starting to get some financially illiterate people on here. Australia did not survive GFC1 because Labor saved the Australia. Australia was in a massively better position that other Western countries going into the GFC. We have a surplus. ALL other countries were already heavily in debt (even before the GFC). That is what made the difference to Australia (not your saviour Labor).

Anyway, I'm off to find a smarter crowd somewhere else. Loosing braincells reading some of the stuff on here.
More unbased future predictions and personal stuff. The stimulus was the reason this country is in such great financial shape. That is, i think unarguable.

Is this the 10th time you said you were leaving?

By god evand. I thought you were actually financially smart. What do you think $150B in Labor debt will do for future generations when Labor is finally finished. The Spanish, Italians, Greeks were also very happy with their socialist government when the governments were spending big. Now they face the reality of socialist spend governments. Australia will be no different under Labor and Greens.
And don't count your chickens before they hatch. Australia is in for an all mighty downturn. The problem is Labor would have spent all the money.
Somersoft is starting to get some financially illiterate people on here. Australia did not survive GFC1 because Labor saved the Australia. Australia was in a massively better position that other Western countries going into the GFC. We have a surplus. ALL other countries were already heavily in debt (even before the GFC). That is what made the difference to Australia (not your saviour Labor).

Anyway, I'm off to find a smarter crowd somewhere else. Loosing braincells reading some of the stuff on here.
This is the same waffle that his mate Alan Jones trots out in Sydney.
The result of his baseless waffle is that he's being investigated:

Its very similar right-wing waffle to whats on this forum.

Andrew Bolt today:

He finally got an aswer to his question on exactly how much of a reduction in the World's temps if the CT is introduced, and they take a measurement in 2020...........

1/4000 of a degree.

Thank god for that...I feel safer now.

Now, can we get a dollar measurement on the hurt to our pockets, and the economy as a whole by that time?
Which is more important? 42B for NBN or replacing brown coal power stations with renewables?
I would have thought that here of all places people would understand the concept of borrowing to create a revenue generating asset.

Replacing the brown coal power stations (with renewables or gas) is planned, with or without the NBN.
More unbased future predictions and personal stuff. The stimulus was the reason this country is in such great financial shape. That is, i think unarguable.

Is this the 10th time you said you were leaving?

Mate if STIMULUS was the magic pill, then all countries that spent stimulus money should be OK by your logic. That is, the hundreds of billions that Europe and the US spent in stimulus should have worked. Clearly stimulus spending alone is not the factor as to why Australia was less impacted by the GFC. It's quite simple logic, but I know hard for you lefties to comprehend.

See you mate. I'm off.
The Labor party here hit it fast and hard. And it obviously worked.


Mate if STIMULUS was the magic pill, then all countries that spent stimulus money should be OK by your logic. That is, the hundreds of billions that Europe and the US spent in stimulus should have worked. Clearly stimulus spending alone is not the factor as to why Australia was less impacted by the GFC. It's quite simple logic, but I know hard for you lefties to comprehend.

See you mate. I'm off.