Carbon tax

without wasting to much time that can be better spent:

Promised $300 million for dental care...lie
Promised 36 Super Clinics...lie
Promised Federal Hospital Takeover...lie
Promised NBN to cost $4 BILLION, now to cost $40+ Billion...lie
Promised to keep fuel and grocery prices down...lie
Promised to build 260 childcare centres on school grounds…lie
Promised to be "economic conservatives' before immediately becoming the highest-spending government in Australia's history...lie
Promised to take Japan to the international courts to stop whaling...lie
Promised to keep the Medicare Rebate at 30%...lie
Promised to lift the ‘cruel' limitations on Medicare rebates for IVF treatments, instead Labor places caps on all IVF treatments, all obstetric services, and ultrasounds...lie
Promised to spend $672 million to indigenous housing in the Northern Territory...lie
Promised to hold a referendum on fixed four year terms for federal parliament...lie
Promised there will be no Carbon tax in a Gillard Labor government…lie
Promised support of Kevin as PM - lie

Wasted billions of public money on school halls and pink batts

To name just a few reason why the public doesn't trust her.

And - probably the biggest lie - that she is PM of the country when we all know that Bob Brown secretly is ... :D

Lizzie are you trying to create fear amongst the masses with these wild claims:rolleyes:
Woohoo now we get overpriced $190/month internet thanks to ALP's NBN policy and the people who voted them in.

Good job guys.

what about those that are on adsl2 plans with unlimited dowloads for around $80 per month.

Will these plans still exist after the NBN??????

I have no idea whether they will or not.

But if they dont, then this will just provide another nail in the coffin for the current government.
There was an interesting study done on Political Media Slant, circa 2009.

Small excerpt only, see down further for link to the study research:

A part overall finding Australian media are quite centrist, .... To the extent that we can separate content slant from editorial slant, we find some evidence that editors aremore partisan than journalists..

Content articles, generally centrist, but:

The research link here, and again, best read in full context:

How Partisan Is The Press? Multiple Measures of Media Slant..


Again who gives a toss.
They can conduct all the studies they like, the people will decide at the next election, and as always they will decide based on what has happened to them in recent times.

Its really quite beautiful how symmetric things go.
I think this (below) is the Liberals classic ploy of having no real policy but trying to read the electorate to stay (or get) in power.

The Liberals are - how you say - policy bankrupt and pretty much always have been.

They dont have a valid alternative policy to anything Labor puts up so they continue with the negative put downs, lies, propaganda, false information etc etc..and their followers unthinkingly lap it up and follow blindly like sheep....or penguins.

"Former Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull’s comments on Tony Abbott’s position.

“Tony himself has, in just four or five months, publicly advocated the blocking of the ETS, the passing of the ETS, the amending of the ETS and, if the amendments were satisfactory, passing it, and now the blocking of it.”

“We have an Opposition whose current leadership dismisses the Howard Government's ETS policy as being just a political ploy. We have an Opposition Leader who has in the space of a few months held every possible position on the issue, each one contradicting the position he expressed earlier."

You can say all you like. One can talk politics till the cows come home, but its all just qualitative opinions.

At the end of the day the electrorate will speak, and thats all that counts, the quantitative measure that will determine politics.

But its all good, i think on one hand you will actually be happy, because then you will be able to go back to investing as per your style, trading momentum.

And there will be lots of these opportunities with a change in government.:D
And yes, all politicians lie. Just listen to the right wing in Britain at the moment. Talk about disgrace.

You can add to that pretty much anyone in the US Congress as well....

Basically; anyone in a suit or professional outfit (can't leave the ladies out - it would be sexist).

The number of scandals, lies, affairs, et al I can remember over my lifetime perpetrated by those in positions of (suit wearing) authority, office, management scary.

Happens in all levels of life of course, not just suit wearers....I'm talking about the ones who want to project an image through their appearance and dress; of a fine, upstanding human who can be trusted.
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Hey evand, here is something for you and the other climate greenies. Seems like the evidence on the ground is starting to really disprove all the Climate change models.
The world is actually cooling, seas are not rising as much. Eventually the "Global Warming" alarmists will need to accept the actual scientific evidence.:rolleyes:

Keep panicking you fools. See you.

Sea-level rises are slowing, tidal gauge records show

Mr Watson's findings, published in the Journal of Coastal Research this year and now attracting broader attention, supports a similar analysis of long-term tide gauges in the US earlier this year. Both raise questions about the CSIRO's sea-level predictions.

Climate change researcher Howard Brady, at Macquarie University, said yesterday the recent research meant sea levels rises accepted by the CSIRO were "already dead in the water as having no sound basis in probability".

"In all cases, it is clear that sea-level rise, although occurring, has been decelerating for at least the last half of the 20th century, and so the present trend would only produce sea level rise of around 15cm for the 21st century."

Dr Brady said the divergence between the sea-level trends from models and sea-level trends from the tide gauge records was now so great "it is clear there is a serious problem with the models".

"In a nutshell, this factual information means the high sea-level rises used as precautionary guidelines by the CSIRO in recent years are in essence ridiculous," he said.
I absolutely agree with you here. Even the Catholic church is disgusting. Look at whats happening in Ireland at the moment.

Is it any wonder i'm (we) so anti authoritarian.

You can add to that pretty much anyone in the US Congress as well....

Basically; anyone in a suit or professional outfit (can't leave the ladies out - it would be sexist).

The number of scandals, lies, affairs, et al I can remeber over my lifetime perpetrated by those in positions of (suit wearing) authority, office, mamagement scary.

Happens in all levels of life of course, not just suit wearers....I'm talking about the ones who want to project an image through their appearance and dress of a fine, upstanding human who can be trusted, but are far from it.
Seems like the greenies should start looking at the observable Science, rather than flawed models. Anyone who works in IT, and models for various things knows that models are only as good as they have been designed, and it can be a case of rubbish in rubbish out.

As for your talk of fearmongering evand, the non-global warming believers think that the world has always changed, and will continue to change. To mother nature humans are like ants. It's like the ants compared to us being worried about "global warming", and the ants thinking they are responsible and can make a difference.
The greenies are the real fearmongers. Fear and panic about island flooding, seas rising, hardship for the majority of the world population. Very funny to observe this irrational fear from the greenies.
Seems like the greenies should start looking at the observable Science, rather than flawed models. Anyone who works in IT, and models for various things knows that models are only as good as they have been designed, and it can be a case of rubbish in rubbish out.

As for your talk of fearmongering evand, the non-global warming believers think that the world has always changed, and will continue to change. To mother nature humans are like ants. It's like the ants compared to us being worried about "global warming", and the ants thinking they are responsible and can make a difference.
The greenies are the real fearmongers. Fear and panic about island flooding, seas rising, hardship for the majority of the world population. Very funny to observe this irrational fear from the greenies.

if you're not being sarcastic - i may actually agree with this....what is the world coming to?
Fear and panic about island flooding, seas rising, hardship for the majority of the world population. Very funny to observe this irrational fear from the greenies.

Which is not to say island flooding etc won't happen ... but mother nature will "do her thing" regardless of our efforts.

Wasn't that long ago - historically speaking - that there was a land bridge between Russia and the USA ... also wasn't that long ago that all of inland Australia was a sea and NZ didn't exist ...

Nature will do it's thing - but - I do believe there are too many people on this planet and nature is trying to dislodge a few (famine, flood, earthquakes, plagues etc)
Hi all,

For what it's worth, you couldn't find a more "anti CO2 Tax" than me.:p

I find the whole theory of basing our pollution per capita if not annoying, well then ridiculous.

If we are to call ourselves one of the biggest polluters in the world based on per capita...would anyone care to think what a $23/tonne tax would represent to this country, in comparison to Europe's CO2 Tax? Apparently, based on per capita: our tax will represent 400 times more than Europe's. AT IT"S CURRENT LEVEL.The European CO2Tax raises approx $1/person /year. Hmmmm is it worth the bureaucracy? In comparison...again per capita..our scheme will raise abt $400/year.

As for bureacracy......just exactly how many MORE departments with mulitudes of staff are going to be created as a result of this tax. More Jobs? More jobs for The Greens.

Let's not forgot that this tax is going up, up up and it will NEVER go down. The Government can bring in legislation after legislation. Petrol will HAVE to be included sooner if not later.

For the record, I don't believe in man-made Climate Change. :D

I do believe in mass hysteria though.

Regards, JO
Woohoo now we get overpriced $190/month internet thanks to ALP's NBN policy and the people who voted them in.

Good job guys.

Yes indeed. Although apparently plans start at $60/month for 30G.

And if you don't sign up while they are digging up your driveway, you will pay for laying the cable from your driveway to your home to join up later.

Sign on the dotted line Australia......:mad:

Regards JO
Yes indeed. Although apparently plans start at $60/month for 30G.

And if you don't sign up while they are digging up your driveway, you will pay for laying the cable from your driveway to your home to join up later.

Sign on the dotted line Australia......:mad:

Regards JO

no one will pay - they'll all go wireless.

people aren't stupid - indeed everyone questions the landline rental and 30% of the population (last count?) are already land-line-less.
Why are we paying $40bn+ (probably close to $100bn under a wasteful government) for an internet backbone with download limits? This is ridiculous - most countries in the world don't even have download limits and they have slower speeds
And if you don't sign up while they are digging up your driveway, you will pay for laying the cable from your driveway to your home to join up later.

bugger that then - I'll just sign up for the 4G wireless network that Telstra is bringing out next year. A market in which they forecast 40% of their client base will switch to.

Interestingly enough, as part of the contract to buy the Telstra infrastructure for the NBN, the government is trying to prevent them from launching 4G for fear they will lose the profitable majority of their customers straight back.

I'm currently paying $70/mth for top of the line unlimited ... and that is expensive enough as it is!
bugger that then - I'll just sign up for the 4G wireless network that Telstra is bringing out next year. A market in which they forecast 40% of their client base will switch to.

Interestingly enough, as part of the contract to buy the Telstra infrastructure for the NBN, the government is trying to prevent them from launching 4G for fear they will lose the profitable majority of their customers straight back.

I'm currently paying $70/mth for top of the line unlimited ... and that is expensive enough as it is!

Some internet revolution when people can't even afford the internet due to all the new taxes. LOL