Coledale, tamworth?


I am a long time reader of this forum, first time poster.
I have been looking at property in tamworth for a while now, and the rental yields seem quite impressive for some areas in south tamworth. One house in particular is a 5 bed, 3 bathroom, tidy brick house, for around 200000 which will rent for $300 a week. The catch is it is in "coledale", Cole road.
I am a bit uneasy due to the area and street being very rough, but the house seems to be in a "good part" of the street...
Any advice, I am fairly green to investing in houses...


Hi Martin
Coledale can be rough in parts ,particularly that area,however yields can be ok if bought at the right price,another thing to be aware of is that prop management fees for Tamworth in general are around 8% but in that area you would be lucky to get an agent for 14+% so affecting your yield.
Cheers Damian:)