dr john demartini


I know he has been mentioned before on the forum but I was wondering if anyone else attended Demartini's all day saturday seminar "sucess in the city" (on the 18th June in Sydney) or elswhere on other days? What did you think? I won tickets courtesy of the link from Michael Yardney's newsletter last month and was curious so I went along.

Any thoughts?
Hi Knightm,

I was at Demartini's saturday seminar. To be honest I was disappointed. I should mention that I was suffering with a cold and would have loved to be wrapped up in my doona at home, so that could have affected my experience. However, there were a few things that annoyed me. First of all I really didn't like his frequent asking of the audience 'wouldn't you come and see me 400 days of the year if you could?'. Talk about tickets on yourself. I also was disapointed that he didn't cover the business section very thoroughly. Instead he chose to talk about two children who he 'cured' from illness. One of them was blind and had feet that turned in so badly that they couldn't walk. Well apparently he touched this childs head and felt the power of god go through him and into the child and at that moment the child was no longer blind and miraculously could walk. Sorry but that was just a little too evangelical for me. He was lucky I'd bought his product pack prior to these stories or he would have missed out on the sale.

Anyway, I will read his book and watch his DVDs and hopefully I will gain something from the experience. I know others have.

How did you find the seminar?

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I was at demartini's seminar on sunday in brisbane. I believe I gained quite a lot from the seminar / him. I also bought his cd/dvds pack but haven't listened to them yet.

I think a lot of our perception of him would also relate to our own set of "values", prior knowledge, interest and experience. So this, Id imagine would be different from one person to another.
Interesting coice of words kl1 - (EVANGELICAL).

To be honest I think the content was much more religious/spiritual than business oriented. I have reflected a bit on his topics and comments - and I actually beleive he is setting himself up as a bit of a secular spiritual guru. His philosophical base is synchrotysm (mix up every world religion, philosophical thought and science stream) and his ideology/terminology (the demartini method) being the overarching worldview to sum up the laws of the universe. I didn't have a cold, I was ready for some great input on finance, what he spoke about on finance was tried and true (save consistently, invest conservatively first, then speculate later) but it was a very small portion of the day. What I heard was a new, postmodern, secular gospel for gen x ers - very spiritual but totally self centred and no commitment required other than to buy my products and attend my longer and more expensive seminars. Sorry if this sounds off the wall but I was concerned at the way people around me were sucking it up.

Happy to hear challenges?! maybe I missheard...
Hehe knightm... I was wondering about that too.... whether everyone actually got the ticket to that seminar for free to suck them in for the expensive seminar.

I believe though that we all should take in what's good from him and filter out the others.
yeah i know its worth filtering and trying to get the good bits - I was interested in what he said about speed reading - I am gunna look that up, could be very handy.

Also I should say I have absolutely no problem with people who preach or discuss spiritual/religious matters, even offering a "gospel" of some sort - I would probably still go and listen. My problem is with false advertising - the ads I saw were about financial mastery. This compiled less than 10% of content.
I loved it.... DeMartini is a genius and he applies his wisdom

I have read many books, attended many seminars and I must say that DeMartini's was one of the best. If you didn't like this seminar, I'll bet that his values and yours are different (eg spirituality, knowledge, wealth, etc). You have to understand what drives this guy, he has a passion and mission to find knowledge and give seminars. He has probable read more books that anybody out their in the circuit.

Here is a very very very small sample of what he said,

Set goals beyond this lifetime, say 100yrs into future (by what you create here)

Everyone is equally successful (some at watching jerry Springer daily), What are you successful at?

When you have idle time u fill your mind with insecurities

The world treats u the way u treat the world (eg. he would pick up the phone a call Nobel prize winner, ppl would say you can't just do that, but he did, and he spoke to them)

****** The energy and vitality you have is directly proportionate to your vision

****** Linking values in a relationship. Eg, wife with kids thinks husband is never home to spend time with kids. But if she thinks, How is me with the kids helping him at his job (little bit of NLP reframing here), and vice versa, he should think, how is doing this job helping my wife, or the kids.... This can change your life

Leadership is expanding your consciousness, from say your community to country, or from country to world, and beyond.

Inspiration = High value, Motivation = low value

Whoever has the clearest intention can minipulate the field?

There is a hidden order all the time, say when you where about 7, write all the positive and negative events in your life. What ppl realise, regardless of the event is that they had both sides (I also heard somewhere else that in the year in N.Y. when 911 happened, that their was the same amount of deaths that year than any other, even though 1000's died from 911)

Thank you for taking the time to read this,

Love and joy,
ivankram said:
If you didn't like this seminar, I'll bet that his values and yours are different (eg spirituality, knowledge, wealth, etc).

THanks for the feedback ivan I may have focussed on the negative. I think that everyone's values are different at least a little bit - so of course there are differences but I am not getting indignant that someone would dare to not think like me. I was making a comment about the interesting mix of topics and the clarity of advertising. I am happy to listen to a buddhist monk, billy graham, bill gates, alby einstein and donald trump - I am not the type to get upset at a theory that I dont agree with. The reason I was miffed was that I thought I was going to hear a talk on finance/business, and heard a LARGE ecclectic mix of philosophy, spirituality, science, health and motivation all rolled in to one. And my reflections were not meant to sound negative - merely musing at the apparent "guru" status he is commanding and the very "gospel"-esk style of speaking. I am not trying to down the guy, he's obviously very good at what he does, just hoping for some other reflections on the nature of the content...sorry if my post made anyone feel the need to defend him.
I have had a lot to do with Dr John Demartini, and I find all of his material extremely inspiring and useful. I credit him with much of my successes.

Realistically 1 day would not have been enough to cover anything he can, so it is likely you may have easily felt that it was just an intro to get you to his more in depth seminars. I would seriously consider going to his financial seminars, as this would definitiely have what you are looking for. He does go into a more psychological/spiritual slant because as he states, this has been done to death and people forget the mind component to investments and money handling. If you want the mechanics of it, then ask and you will get a huge amount of information. He is hugely well read and combines the wisdom of many men and many fields of study, and presents it in well understood terms. I am absolutely humbled by what this guy knows. Well worth the money if you go to his more in-depth seminars
glad he has helped you so much wealthyjay. Obviously there must be some real value in his stuff if you and others have had ongoing benefits. Like I said, I was more musing about the nature and combination of material - not criticising. Its ok if no one wants to muse with me :)
knightm said:
glad he has helped you so much wealthyjay. Obviously there must be some real value in his stuff if you and others have had ongoing benefits. Like I said, I was more musing about the nature and combination of material - not criticising. Its ok if no one wants to muse with me :)

I can muse with you if you want. Once you you get to know his stuff more it becomes clearer where he is coming from. I have found that many who have heard hime for the first time form a similar opinion to you, this often comes from the simpler shorter presentations where the context is lost. Believe me he can pile on some serious business and wealth building information and strategies, attend wealth mastery or get his CD's on wealth building and you will get far more than you thought you could from one guy. I may be biased :)
I may take your advice wealthyjay - would reading "how to make one hell of a profit and still go to heaven" cover his $ stuff in adequate detail do you think? I prefer books to cds for portability(I read on the trains) and ease of future reference (notes in the margins etc).
wealthyjay said:
I have had a lot to do with Dr John Demartini, and I find all of his material extremely inspiring and useful. I credit him with much of my successes.

Realistically 1 day would not have been enough to cover anything he can, so it is likely you may have easily felt that it was just an intro to get you to his more in depth seminars. I would seriously consider going to his financial seminars, as this would definitiely have what you are looking for. He does go into a more psychological/spiritual slant because as he states, this has been done to death and people forget the mind component to investments and money handling. If you want the mechanics of it, then ask and you will get a huge amount of information. He is hugely well read and combines the wisdom of many men and many fields of study, and presents it in well understood terms. I am absolutely humbled by what this guy knows. Well worth the money if you go to his more in-depth seminars

How do you measure success? When What and How Much?

knightm said:
I may take your advice wealthyjay - would reading "how to make one hell of a profit and still go to heaven" cover his $ stuff in adequate detail do you think? I prefer books to cds for portability(I read on the trains) and ease of future reference (notes in the margins etc).

That is a good book and covers much of what he has n his wealth building stable. It is more on the psychology of wealth building and debunking the negative mindsets many have on wealth. He includes great, in my opinion, strategies on creating and growing wealth, and keeping it ie how to stay away from the boom bust cycle many experience on their journey. To me the book is a good solid overview of his advice, the CD's and/or seminar expands it a little further.

Madmurf, I don't like defining success as a finite level, because as soon as you see yourself as "successful" you decay because you lose the urge to grow. I have goals which I have met and moved beyond, and am constantly setting new ones. I have had wins and losses, but I feel successful because I am moving toward my ultimate purpose.

BTW if anyone is interested, we are hosting Dr John Demartini in Perth for his two day relationship seminar. This is an excellent seminar which blows away many myths and illusions we have about our relationships, both personal and business. He also gives strategies on how to improve and master our relationships so we can grow in our businesses and personal lives. A gratuitous plug I know :D But just in case anyone is listening, and PM me if anyone is interested.
wealthyjay said:
That is a good book and covers much of what he has n his wealth building stable. It is more on the psychology of wealth building and debunking the negative mindsets many have on wealth.

I think I have already come a long way in my attitudes to wealth, i would be interested to hear what he had to say, but this wouldn't be the primary reason for me to buy the book

He includes great, in my opinion, strategies on creating and growing wealth, and keeping it ie how to stay away from the boom bust cycle many experience on their journey. To me the book is a good solid overview of his advice, the CD's and/or seminar expands it a little further.

I am really more interested in the practicle side, technical bits and strategies that he recommends - so are there many? Does he go into a reasonable level of detail hear? or is it more about attitudes?
knightm said:
I think I have already come a long way in my attitudes to wealth, i would be interested to hear what he had to say, but this wouldn't be the primary reason for me to buy the book

I am really more interested in the practicle side, technical bits and strategies that he recommends - so are there many? Does he go into a reasonable level of detail hear? or is it more about attitudes?

The book would probably reinforce some of those attitiudes, and may also add some new thoughts and understandings.

As for actual strategies, the book does outline a solid strategy that will get you there, and securely. Its not about getting rich quickly, its a secure if conservative strategy. His CD's and seminars go into more detail. He has some very interesting things to say about real estate investing on the CD and in his seminars, he has experience in the Australian real investment field having some gold coast and Sydney properties under his belt.
thanks wj - may try the book 1st. The cd you mentioned - was it "business mastery", "the nature of business" (the 2 money cds available on global1trainings aussie web site) or was it another one? I did notice that he has an americal site with different products - including a 15 cd set on "Building Wealth F.A.S.T. " which looks more focussed and indepth but obviously more $.
knightm said:
thanks wj - may try the book 1st. The cd you mentioned - was it "business mastery", "the nature of business" (the 2 money cds available on global1trainings aussie web site) or was it another one? I did notice that he has an americal site with different products - including a 15 cd set on "Building Wealth F.A.S.T. " which looks more focussed and indepth but obviously more $.

The CD's I was mentioning are the "Essentials to Financial Mastery" set from www.wealthessentials.com, absolutely fantastic resource to any wealth creation goals, can't recommend it highly enough. If you can't find it PM me and I can steer you in the right direction. The F.A.S.T CD set is very similar and is also equally good, get either. A Very in depth look at financial mastery and wealth creation, and keeping it. I already have a copy and it has paid for itself many times over by my reckoning.

I haven't heard the Business Mastery set, though judging by what I have already heard of John's business ethos I would say they would also be well worth a listen. I wasn't actually aware that he had produced a business CD, and I thank you for mentioning it, I will look into getting a copy.


just thought i'd let you know wj that the contact you gave me replied but no cds available atm - I will look for the book and maybe get the usa cds when I get a bit more cash on hand.

knightm said:
just thought i'd let you know wj that the contact you gave me replied but no cds available atm - I will look for the book and maybe get the usa cds when I get a bit more cash on hand.


Thats a shame :( I will keep you posted on when CD's become available, unless you will be kept in the loop anyway. The book can be found in some bookshops, so keep your eyes open. Definitely go for either CD's, both well worth what you are paying for.

