
There are two sections with FAQs on this forum.

One is the help for the software itself, accessed by clicking the FAQ link at the top of the page. This has general information about using the software and is not (currently) specific to our forum.

The second section is my own FAQ list in the Help and Feedback forum. This document has links to FAQs I've written which are specific to our forum.

Now, a couple of things you need to be aware of.

Firstly, my FAQ list is slightly out of date, since most of the FAQs (except the two most recent entries) were written for the old version of the software. When I get a chance I will update those FAQs to be relevant to the software we are now using.

Secondly, I intend to utilise the new features of the inbuilt FAQ section, which will give us a single point of reference to all things related to both the software and our implementation of it and our site. It can be searched and is easy to maintain, so I think this will help people new to the site quite considerably.

If anyone has any topics they are not sure about - either new features in this version, or any general usage questions about the site, the software or anything else, then please let me know (reply in this thread) and I will endeavour to include information in the FAQs where possible.

My intention at this stage is NOT to use the FAQs section to contain general FAQs about property investment, although it certainly could be used for that. The issue is that maintaining the software FAQs section is an administration function, and I really don't want to be trying to maintain such a list on my own when we have so many other great people who could contribute if it were done in the forum itself.

I might consider maintaining a glossary list or similar since that would be fairly straight forward and quite valuable given TLA definitions are some of the most frequently asked questions.
Okay, I've moved most of the FAQs from the Help and Feedback Forum into the FAQ section of the forum - which can be accessed from the FAQ link at the top of the page.