Freeman Fox - Wealth Club

More by the day

Bill.L said:
On Peter's advertising he mentions that his education in the field of investing involved reading over 347 books and attending over 50 seminars.

Certianly have Ollie! I love both reading and attending seminars.
Love it

Ms Jade said:
Hey! I inadvertantly just convinced myself to go to the Instant Income seminar this month. LOL :)

See you there - we have small numbers this time so it should be quite "intimate" and fun.

P.S. Thought your post was more indulgent for me than you so if that's you being self-indulgent - "go right ahead!"
Some Ferrari drivers are not wan%#ers

geoffw said:
On "Hot Property" last night, there was an auction in Sydney where the anonymous winning bidder drove a red Ferrari. Was that somebody who borrowed your vehicle for the day in order to impress?

If he did he owes me a set of new tires!!! LOL

I thought – how irresponsible – then I thought – OMG I’m sooooooooooo getting old! (I even think the ads are loud!)

House_Keeper said:
Then, one day, I came across some audio tapes that I found fascinating. No point debating who prefers blue or red.

Here's what I think is funny - I can't stand audio tapes. Can't listen to them to save myself, BUT, because I am not prepared to dismiss any learning medium I buy lots of them.

I then pay to have them transcribed and READ the content! :D
Hehe, thanks Peter.

My wife loses the bet :D

But then, his auction bidding was far from impressive, so it was obvious to me that it was someone who got money before he got sense ;)