Fridge's gone - food's spoiled - who pays?

Sorry, I should've made myself clearer: the good tenant changed the temperature setting, the other one lost his food and got $30 from me. They don't know who's paying what, they hardly see each other.

Originally posted by Lotana
Sorry, I should've made myself clearer: the good tenant changed the temperature setting, the other one lost his food and got $30 from me. They don't know who's paying what, they hardly see each other.


That makes more sense. (Although, I would have thought the good tenant would at least contribute to the compensation.)

Still, it's only 30 bucks.
I just KNEW somebody had "fiddled" with it. At least it was a good guess anyway :)

Like others have said, I'd keep a close eye on this one. However you are going to have to tread very lightly so as not to alienate your other good tennant. Come down too hard, and you'll lose them both, or you'll lose the good tennant and the bad one will stay.

Would it be best to keep this person off-lease i.e. month by month or on a lease if problems arise? i.e. Can you say that at the end of a lease term I do not wish to renew your lease, so beat it!!

I'd send them a letter that clearly explains that it was someone's fault and why it was someones fault. The letter should also outline that as an act of extreme goodwill you are going to pay for the lost food, but this is a once only offer. I'd also follow the other great suggestion and lift some copy from Radio Rentals or some other rental mobs contract and point out to them these companies positions on such matters.

I'd bet money that this tennant is of the mindset that because you are a landlord it follows that you are RICH and therefore can afford to pay for their food and any other minor problem that arrises. You'll also find that these types of people are usually _well_ apprised of _their_ rights and are good at working the system.

As opposed to someone like myself who thinks along the same lines as Tssk.

Originally posted by the_captain
I'd send them a letter that clearly explains that it was someone's fault and why it was someones fault. The letter should also outline that as an act of extreme goodwill you are going to pay for the lost food, but this is a once only offer.

I think this is good advice. You were wise to reimburse for the food; I don't think it's a sign of weakness, but I would make it crystal clear that it's a one-off.

Perhaps you could type out an addendum for the letter, setting out simply and clearly the idiosyncracies of this fridge.

I'd put it down to experience - but if he tries it on again, that's a whole new ball-game.
