Garage to Living space

We have found a house which would be ideal if the living area was a little bigger so my idea is to revamp the garage into a living area and knock out the back wall and have alfresco windows. We would be changing the townhouse. There will be still room for two cars to park in the drive way.

What would be the cost of changing the garage to living space? Do you think it would be worth it? Also as the property is identical to next door would there be any planning restrictions in Victoria?

Also the house is going for auction on the 3rd March, who would I need to check with about planning permission?

Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.

We are buying the house as a home and then we would hope to rent it out in the future after five year probably.
garage to extra room- adds value

these types of conversions are smart ways to create extra space & add value- defintiely look into the specifics of it!
good luck
We have found a house which would be ideal if the living area was a little bigger so my idea is to revamp the garage into a living area and knock out the back wall and have alfresco windows. We would be changing the townhouse. There will be still room for two cars to park in the drive way.

Are you talking about a free-standing house or a townhouse?

If a townhouse you may have body corporate issued by parking in the driveway and not in the garage. Better check first.
Are you talking about a free-standing house or a townhouse?

If a townhouse you may have body corporate issued by parking in the driveway and not in the garage. Better check first.

Spot on, generaly inside is ok, but once you start modifying windows and walls on the external face, you may come into problems with BC (community Management)

You say it is going to auction, so you don't entirly know if you are buying it? Are you purchasing it before auction?

Anyway, changing a class 10 area (garage space) into a class 1 habitable area will require development approval. Energy efficiency, ceiling height, pest barriers (termites), garage driveway runnoff all need to be sorted.

Can be done. I am in the process of doing this in Brissie.

Good Luck.


Conversion Garage to main bedroom + ensuite

We are going through "back of a napkin" renovations plans and this garage to bedroom conversion is key to the whole concept.
Keep coming with your thoughts, will submit some plans soon..
This is exactly what I did to my townhouse, it more than doubled the living area and made it so much easier to rent. I did get council approval and Body Corp approval. I included it as part of an overall renovation so my costs would be much higher as I added a new kitchen, plus new bathroom etc.

I got an architect in to design the best way of tackling it and I believe he saved me money by his innovative ideas.

This is exactly what I did to my townhouse, it more than doubled the living area and made it so much easier to rent. I did get council approval and Body Corp approval. I included it as part of an overall renovation so my costs would be much higher as I added a new kitchen, plus new bathroom etc.

I got an architect in to design the best way of tackling it and I believe he saved me money by his innovative ideas.


whereabouts is this townhouse? in melbourne i suppose?
No it was Cairns

If you check the photo Gallery under my id you will see some photos showing the exgtended lounge taken from what was the garage

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