Gloria Jeans coffee anyone??

I don't mind (TOO much!) drinking coffee out of a non-china cup, but every GJ coffee I've had has tasted of cardboard.

As I drink black, sugarless coffee, I'm pretty picky about it, and I won't touch GJ's ever again.

Until the next time I'm desperate and they're the only option, of course.
I drink a lot of coffe and dont like GJ.

Having said that is appeals to the masses especially teenagers as a funky place to sit and drink coffee.

I have had some insight to their business dealing and personally I would not touch them. Religion and Business should not mix.

Peter 147
I'd have to say that the coffee is terrible at GJ's. Understandable I guess when all their staff are young and not experienced barrista's.

Wouldn't voluntarily purchase anything coffee related from them but they always seem to be doing a good trade around Sydney.
Peter 147 said:
Religion and Business should not mix.

Personally, my alarm bells go on when someone tells me they're "a christian".
In the next sentence I've had them talk about "breaking legs" etc.

From my experience the statement "im a christian" is a mask.

Perhaps the Christian faith just attracts its fair share of nutters like most other religons do.

Have often wondered if some RE agents are purely involved in churches to get listings from fellow church goers. :)

I personally avoid purchasing coffee or food etc at franchises. Just my idiosyncratic way :rolleyes: From memory Gloria Jeans are located in mall type shopping centres - these I avoid too. Much prefer establishments with local character and input.

My two bobs worth.

caramellokoala said:
Hi Peter

I would like to hear more...can you PM me please if you don't feel you can share it on this forum.




If you do a google on Religion and " Gloria Jeans " you will come up with the answer . At least it's not xxxxxtology .... :rolleyes:

See Change
coffee in China

I've been drinking coffee in China for the past 2.5 years - and let me tell you its crap. I much prefer the China in Australia.....
see_change said:

If you do a google on Religion and " Gloria Jeans " you will come up with the answer . At least it's not xxxxxtology .... :rolleyes:

See Change

Probably more there than I can say.

I can say this is what I experienced personally and what I thought of it....

I attended thier Franchisee Ball as a partner of my wife whose company supplied product to them for the fitouts.

Wife company got "asked" for a "very large donation" to the cost of the conference in recognition of thier "ongoing" relationship.

They were not the only one and many of the suppliers felt very pressured to donate for the privalege of networking with Franchisees. What happened was this.

In return Wife's Company got 1 ticket free and had to buy another at $190 for me (One ticket to a ball?). For that we got three courses (very average) and 2 bottle of wine per table of 10. All suppliers were plonked at the one very end table.

They had the annual awards ceromony, "taught" about God and Tony Abbott talked about the "good people here" AKA Very white, very middle class.

We sat through a video about "lost girls" AKA single mums who found God. We were all asked for donations to thier cause. Encouraged to buy mystery prices which were religious based.

A Christian band played background and just as the meal and "teaching" ended and I expected, this is ball it must be time to dance and network :confused: .... up went the lights at 10pm. No dancing or anything. $190!!!!!! :eek:

IM personal Opinion as a Christian (attend the Salvos) this experience gave Christianity a bad rap.

I will stop here. Peter 147
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Thanks Peter147...very interesting.!!
What I would really like to know is how profitable are the GJ franchises or whether they have to pass the plate around to pay their bills??

Isn't Sanitarium owned by the Seventh Day Adventist Church??


I know just how you feel. I paid AUD12 for a cup of coffee in Schenzen in one of the five star hotels - Shangri La - I think, and it was horrible. Having said that, I don't think milk is a staple like it is here in Aus. One time we were in a supermarket in Hong Kong and they had someone handing out milk samples and they weren't well received at all!!


Hey caramellokoala, 12AUD is pretty steep I must admit.

My first experience of chinese coffee was back in 2002 as part of a "warm up" trip to China. I paid around 10AUD for a "cappuccino" at an airport lounge. It came with nutmeg on the "froth" - OK, I've seen that b4, not too bad I thought. Then I noticed small pieces of shaved lemon rind in the froth also. OK, let's not get too carried away, just pick them off the top with your spoon for god's sake- right? No way, the lemon rind was all through the coffee, you just couldn't get rid of it - pretty much undrinkable stuff.

From there I've had the odd good cup, but most coffee here is made with powdered milk. I have an espresso machine at home which keeps me sane and found one, yes one, nice establishment in Shanghai that understands the art of coffee making, I visit it every time I visit Shanghai and is a always a highlight of the trip....

It's what makes living here so much fun - extreme character building.

I've had coffee made from evaporated milk in China and Thailand. It is disgusting!!
I found a Starbucks in Beijing. It was so so. It would take me 10 minutes to explain what an extra shot was eventhough it was on their menu board.
You're right. Thats what makes travel so much fun.


caramellokoala said:
I've had coffee made from evaporated milk in China and Thailand. It is disgusting!!
I found a Starbucks in Beijing. It was so so.
In fact, in Malaysia, coffee with condensed milk is called "kopi susu"- which I suspect IS Bahasa for "coffee soso".

Remember though that dairy products are not a part of a normal south east asian diet, and fresh milk is not normally produced. You may find in Asia that soy milk (although sweet) is a better milk substitute than condensed milk.