Has anyone noticed that.........

What about the rest of Oz?

A massive amount of Qld is in flood? One Rockhampton guy/gal has made a kind offer to inspect (in a boat?) peoples property.

But no one else cares!!!!!! If your tenant welches on payment, by all means post a whinge. Who cares about them what are flooded. :sigh:

I live in a flood prone town, electric light poles have flood height markers on them so anyone wanting to buy in the town will see how high floods can go.

The main town centre floods and we have levee banks. Where I work floods, we know the projected height so if it comes close we move our furniture to higher ground.

My BIL has a shop under his house that floods - family and friends help him to move his shop stock and his wife and son pack up stairs and relocate to in laws.

Hubby was a flood boat captain. The Local council runs flood awareness seminars every February with the aim to educate new owners on what to do.

Now I do care - QLD flooded this year and our area in NSW has 2 declared disaster zones Ballina and Kyogle and our local area is suppose to be declared a disaster zone as well, 3 x BIL were cut off by floods for 5 days (this was not a problem as the were prepared for bridge to go under flood waters. Sunfish you forgot to include NSW in your OP.

So I am thankfull that one SS member has offered to check flooded IP's for other SS members.

We all have different things going on with our lives, whether it is was GFC, which hit the financial sector = umemployment, hail & rain damage to crops or cars = lost income, building trade downturn = unemployment. Super Funds decreased in value = affected people will have to work longer etc.

What I actually see from the floods are people who will need to buy or replace (with donations) things like furnture or whitegoods etc. Some people will have insurance or money to buy and hopefully all will have friends and family to support and offer help.

If people do not have support groups then charity groups will help and I for one will donate second hand goods. Aussie defence forces are called into help (may give us a reason to withdraw support in overseas conflict).

Charity starts at home and a shared experience develops a sense of community. Obviously you have family/friends or an interest in Rocky but what about the rest of Australia!

Seems to be some problems with local councils not preparing for floods. I see it year after year, towns getting flooded out, families losing al their things. Do they not have dams and flood measures in their business plan, maybe parking is more important? I guess their parking revenues have taken a dive lately:p

I guess there will be more demand for housing like for apartments on a hill.
A massive amount of Qld is in flood? One Rockhampton guy/gal has made a kind offer to inspect (in a boat?) peoples property.

But no one else cares!!!!!! If your tenant welches on payment, by all means post a whinge. Who cares about them what are flooded. :sigh:
The problem is not what's happening now ,it's what going to happen over the next six months,the money streams that this Labor Government has enjoyed over the last ten years are about too dry up very quickly..

Sunfish you can't plan for a flood like this,a few knew it was on the way but all you can do is prepare,insure if they will insure in a high risk flood area that's all you can do,I have already given money too this flood,and may even go up for free and work for a few weeks if they need Plumbers
as I know they will in a big way,we are not all animals in this place..
For the farmers that haven't had their crops destroyed you mean? I'm sure they are very happy that prices are going through the roof.

I was at the Rocklea Markets last friday,anyone can go in 2 times a week most 20kilo boxes of fruit vegs were still under 15 bucks,what the public don't know is the amount of stocks they have in cold storage at Rocklea Markets,the media plays al their cards every time it floods,and it's the middle men -ladies that make the money..
Isn't property damage and displaced tenants what insurance is all about?


its terrible. I know people in Emerald who have been evacuated, not nice to leave the home, especially knowing that if you get to come back what a mess it will be in and all your belongings.

But its a flood prone area.. they knew that, and when it got bad they were ready to up and leave.

Prepare and insure!
Does anyone know of a map or something to see all the flood vulnerable areas in Australia? Towns and suburbs not to buy in....
the bush fires in victoria and now the floods in vic and queensland have been very sad for many families and businesses. It is at these times people need to come together and give a hand where it is needed - whether we are tenants or landlords or bank managers. These tragedies can happen to anyone. If you see a need and can give a hand - do so! (whether it is a place to stay, meal to eat or clothes to wear).

Peter S
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Where do you draw the conclusion from, that "no-one cares"?

Bad things happen. They happen everywhere, everyday. If loosing a few possessions in a flood happens, that sucks. So does loosing your job, having a loved one die, being told you (or someone close to you) has terminal cancer, watching a child struggle with illness, having a marriage break up, going bankrupt, children being neglected and abused by those who are supposed to be caring for them, bushfire, plagues, mental illness, etc, etc, etc.

My point is, just because someone doesn't say something, doesn't mean they don't care. Just because they go on with their lives, doesn't mean they don't care. Bad things happen all the time, if we all stopped everytime something bad happened, we would never live.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to live in a world where I spend all my time dwelling on the bad things that happen in the world - I try to enjoy the positives.

I feel so much sympathy and empathy for the families of the 10 people who have lost their lives in the floods, for those who have lost their possessions and their livelihoods; but me dwelling on their bad circumstances isn't going to help anyone; instead I am thankful for everything 'I' have, and 'yes' I worry about my own personal circumstances (stresses with valuers, banks, solicitors and builders) because I want to ensure I maintain and even improve my own circumstances.

The floods are obviously something within your close personal 'sphere', so you are sensitive to them. I am sorry for you if you have been impacted personally by the floods.

The floods, however, are not in my personal sphere. I live in Canberra. My worrys and concerns are here in Canberra with me.

Are my problems any less important then those in the floods?? maybe? Their is ALWAYS someone somewhere worse off. Does that mean I don't have a right to care about and prioritise my own circumstances above a strangers who lives so far away from me?
My point is, just because someone doesn't say something, doesn't mean they don't care.

And on the flip side, just because some smart a** like me has refrained from making jokes about the situation doesn't mean they do care. I've just been busy lately.
Just as well Ian. Your previous jokes re the bushfires weren't very funny at all. Annoying enough for people to respond in kind to, but terrible humour.
I don't live near flood plains or high fire danger areas; because they flood and burn down.

It is sad what is happening, but people live in the Tornedo corridors in the USA, knowing what is likely to happen. :confused:

It's a choice.

Same as folk who are low income earners and have a swarm of kids they can't afford - it's a choice.
Somersoft has exposed me to some of the most selfish people I have met. I am saddened that Even is one of them. 'till now I thought he was one of "the good guys".

Well I could say that while some people were advocating buying gold, I in my unselfish wisdom was the one advocating buying long life canned food.

long life canned food valued higher than gold.

Now you have your crisis and your gold is absolutely useless junk.
Canned food is a life saving commodity.
I don't live near flood plains or high fire danger areas; because they flood and burn down.

It's a choice.


Most houses that get flooded are also usually cheaper to buy to start with. Lots of flood prone towns have the 55, 74, and 92, or whatever old peak lines somewhere about town. It should be a calculated decision. Buy a flood prone house for 100 k less than it would otherwise be worth and suffer a flood through it every 30 years.

An as for farmers on flood plains? That's where all the best soil is. You can't grow much food up on the side of hills as the soil is often just an inch deep, but metres deep on the plain.

See ya's.
An as for farmers on flood plains? That's where all the best soil is. You can't grow much food up on the side of hills as the soil is often just an inch deep, but metres deep on the plain.

TC, could you explain to the young city slickers how a flood wipes out entire banana crops? All the bananas I've owned seem pretty water-resistant.