Has Somersoft changed or have I?

Thanks - Junior was devastated. Very sad as he had been my purring shadow for 8 years. Just glad it was quick (head injury), and that neighbour saw him minutes after it happened and let us know, so he wasn't lying on the road all night.

Loss of a friend- sorry to hear that. Those without pets will not understand-those with pets will.

I had the feeling that the forum previously was spruiker riddled cheer squad like minded individuals. Easy enough in a bouyant market but support disappears when the going gets tough. I think people "move on" but perhaps there are less newer forumites filling their place.

As far as the acceptance of dissenting views....I love reading supported opinions different than my own. It allows me to be critical of my own thinking patterns in the face of reasoned contrary views. I have changed my views on a few things over the years after seeing debates on this (and other) forums. Many forumites seem set in their views and ways and inflexible on their views in the face of logical arguments. I don't even engage some of these (whether I agree or disagree with them) anymore but sometimes they may make a valuable contribution to the forum so its not all bad.

Have I been censored? Yep a couple of times for things I thought were harmless. I keep a folder of cut and paste of some of my lengthier posts on hot threads so I can repost rather than retype once Sim and the mods calm down. But it is someone else's forum so that's the price to play.......

Oh- and in general terms our society has changed- it is now more a "Stuff you Jack I'm alright" attitude- commenced by the Howard gov in the 90s but carried on by the subsequent Labor government. How? As a self employed person I will have to raise fees to cover carbon taxes etc put in place for the "greater social good" (as decided by a federal minority government hostage to vocal independents) Hey I'm not happy subsidising refugees bringing in the rest of the extended family crew without skills, capital or basic English when our public hospitals have lenghty waiting periods. Oh I am inhumanitarian I know, but it is also inhumanitarian to wait 2 years in agonizing pain for a hip replacement.So it gets to financial resources and raising taxes so I have to play the game or it comes out of my pocket and I think to myself- I'm getting sick of covering other people's outgoings so I am now forced to squeeze others.

Both governments have in their own way divided so they can conquer.

And on a state level I should be leaping for joy at the introduction of a Liberal government-yet all I can see is a landslide that will lead to arrogance and a frenzy of business deals that will make you a killing if you are on the inside track, but screw you over if you aren't or are weak and cannot protect yourself.

Of course it may all just be me........
I get it fine. I made several well reasoned arguments to that post (which is a personal attack) but they were deleted. You also singled out my post for swearing at a poster who swore at me but i'm sure no infractions were given to him. Poor judgement in my opinion and another example of bad moderating.
Well reasoned and polite?
deleted shuggy post said:
Do a search for my posts smartass and you'll find more informative ones from me than cheapshots like this one from yourself. Jesus Christ, have a look at the crap you're posting that i'm taking the time to reply to. What's the point of it ?

The other poster used a mild swear word, you responded with one of the worst swear words in the language. No comparison. His post as well as yours was deleted.
Yes it's a well reasoned post and as polite as the one i was replying to however you are selecting portions of my post that suit your agenda. Why not reinstate my entire posts so they can be seen in their context? No? Yeah i thought so.. probably for the same reason no infractions were given to the other poster even though he initiated the swearing.
When someone opts to take on the role of being the victim it is always someone elses fault for their actions instead of taking responsibility for their own actions in the first instance. They just dont get it tho.

How do you spot a victim? Its rather simple -

1/ they blame..
2/ they justify..
3/ they complain.
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If you're referring me to as a victim you are mistaken :D

That's how you're coming across ... the other poster was removed as well - don't hear them complaining and whining about life being unfair.

Get over it.

This harping on about something that is done, dusted and old news is one reason why those who are here for property and roubust discussion are leaving.
Me too Lizzie. Our little poodle is part of our family and I cannot imagine not having him around underfoot and greeting me at the door every time I step out for even a minute.
Me too Lizzie. Our little poodle is part of our family and I cannot imagine not having him around underfoot and greeting me at the door every time I step out for even a minute.

Our cat went missing for the 2nd time since we moved in December. The first time, he was found 10 days after he disappeared, taken to a vet and they tracked us down thru his microchip. I suspect we might not be so fortunate this time. Its been 2 weeks and no sign of him.
I actually was more upset last time.... I am not particularly emotional when it comes to animals. But his disappearance came on the back of a highly emotional few weeks, and I found myself very teary about it.

Now, we are still playing the waiting game........ but I'm not very hopeful that we'll be so lucky a second time....

(Oh, Skater.. just to let you know, it was our other kitty, not the one that you gave us. She's still very much around here. Nowhere near as adventurous as our little boy..... she sticks much closer to home!)
That's awful Penny and the worst ... the not knowing. At least with Charlie we knew straight away, could cuddle him while he was still warm and soft and then bury him in the garden.

The longest I've been without a cat is 3 weeks ... so looks like a trip to the RSPCA in the next few weeks. Will get moved and settled first. Sorry if that makes me sound cruel and "moved on" to fast - but the house is so empty with an aloof furry bundle. The dog is the apply of my eye, but not the same.

As I pointed out the hubby - there is a cat on our lease, so must fulfill our lease :eek:


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Sorry if that makes me sound cruel and "moved on" to fast - but the house is so empty with an aloof furry bundle. The dog is the apply of my eye, but not the same.

As I pointed out the hubby - there is a cat on our lease, so must fulfill our lease :eek:

I started looking at adoption sites when the cat was missing the first time.. so I know what you mean! Havent had time to this time, and I'm not sure how my hubby will feel about getting another cat. But I dont think its good for the other cat to be on its own....