Hello again from Pete

:) Hello to all. Its been a while since I've posted.

A change of computers at work 'caused me to lose my forum identity & then I just took a break for a while.

Once I purchased the Ferrari (March this year), realising about my only real dream, I took to cruising (literally/figuratively) for a while. Have been enjoying ownership immensely. Am looking forward to the national rally here in Perth in October - it will be so much fun to travel around for the week with other similar enthusiasts. I think all will be smiling like big kids.

Thanks again to those who posted well wishes at the time of the car purchase. I've enjoyed the car more than I expected. As those of this little community who've been for a spin with me will testify! :D

I'm immensely happy with the rental properties down Mandurah way. All are near the beach and as good as the last few years have been, there are many indicators that the next few years will be similar. They have set me up financially for life. And, apart from a place in Cairns that I owned years ago before I really knew about property investing, I only started in 2001. Three of them have doubled in value since I bought them (one place in only 2 1/2 years !) as also has a place in Perth. I've specifically targeted long term capital growth - it was my primary objective - and to have seen such strong growth over the last few years has been rewarding. ;)

Last month I was in Greece visiting Mark / MarkC who still posts occassionally. It is great to see the changes in people as they develop. I know I'm a changed person since 2001.

best regards,
Wow Pete I didn't realise you had got that Ferrari.
Well done!!
You deserve it, I gathered one thing from our correspondence earlier in the year - you are a genuinely nice person (so Karma caught up with you in the best way!!!). Good one :D
Sorry, Crest.

It sure doesn't cover my slowly ( 15 years now) growing bald spot - especially as 99% of the time the roof is off. I get a "number 2" haircut and don't worry about it.

It sure doesn't cover my slowly ( 15 years now) growing bald spot - especially as 99% of the time the roof is off. I get a "number 2" haircut and don't worry about it.

I went from a "number 2", to a "number 1", and now a "zero", (no plastic attachment, run the metal cutter straight onto the scalp. Much, much better than a comb over. You know, the one that starts on the one side of the head and is combed across to the other side. Actually, the comb over in a topless Ferrari would be quite a look at 150 km/hr. :)
Hey Pete
you put a big smile on my dial just reading your post and Thinking about the Ferrari and the no 2 haircut that you got to go with it. hehehe

You sound really happy Pete.Enjoy the rally.
Good luck to you

cheers yadreamin