High yielding areas


Im looking at investing the funds from a recent sale.

The property was a bad investment choice and i am glad to be rid of it quite frankly.

Im planning to use the funds from this purchase to buy several properties for cashflow.

Any suggestions for areas with high yield under 200,000k per property

Looking for 8%+

It Doesnt bother which states the areas are in.


Thank -you

Im currently getting this return where i made my latest purchase.

I would rather buy somewhere else with similar return ,purely to spread my risk.
Regional properties, high risk mining towns or properties with granny flats are usually 8%+

Spot on.

A bit like stocks really. The higher the yield, the more unsustainable it is.

I like the reference to granny flats. Useful things to have, if only they were cheaper to build
I was just looking for suggesting.

FYI i have listed an area where 8% returns can be had,if you look earlier on in the Thread you will notice that.
That is supposed to be suggestions.

Relax James.

We just don't want to see you come unstuck, hence the reticence to give you advice.

Yes, it's completely possible to buy in obscure areas - mainly mining towns - and obtain massive yields. But these yields are rarely sustainable for more than a few years.

Imagine this hypothetical situation, if you will:

You spend your hard earned savings to buy a house in Mt Woop Woop, next to Blue Sky Mine's Kryptonite quarry. The bank lends you 80%. A tenant , usually a mine worker, moves in immediately.

The yield is 8%! Great! You are set! Well maybe. Here's what you need to remember:

Although the price of Kryptonite may be strong at the current time, things may change in a decade. Falling prices could result in the mine downsizing or being shut down entirely. It's happened a lot in Australia in the last 150 years.

So what happens if Kryptonite prices fall?


1. no tenants. zero yield - an empty house for several decades
2. (worst of all) the bank calling-in its loan!
3. ALL house local house prices falling, not just yours.

Mate, if you want yield, learn local council rules and get into the granny flat business in your spare time. Although its unfashionable, it's a lot safer than buying in obscure areas. Guaranteed results, minimal risk if you are a DIY guy and can do it yourself.


Im looking at investing the funds from a recent sale.

The property was a bad investment choice u

Take your time, that's the best advice I can give you.

Look around for exceptional value. You are better off with decent Capital Gain than dodgy Yields that may later come unstuck.
Properties with g/flats can provide great yields, I have a couple of these, closer to 10%.

I am not in favour of building a granny flat to obtain 8% yield, cos you will spend $90,000+ and you can not access equity, dead money.

The key is finding a suitable property with g/flat in situ. They are around and of course there is lots of competition, some areas you may want to look at - central coast NSW, West Syd, QLD SE and Gold Coast.
If all you're after is yield, one can argue that high yielding shares would be a much simpler investment than mining town property?
Any suggestions for areas with high yield under 200,000k per property

That is just about every property in Australia, barring a few big CBD towers.

With that type of money at your disposal, the world is your oyster.

You should be able to get a decent 11% net yield and a world class Tenant on a huge 20 year fully guaranteed Lease with that level of money.

Good stuff - go to it !!