How far will Telstra Share Price Rise..

Sounds like you learnt well from your first purchases, and pursued a sensible conservative strategy. Well done, wish I'd had the guts to back my instincts at the depth of the GFC
Yeah, ya win some ya lose some. I also did the CBA, and Woolworths floats, both would be 10 baggers if held.

See ya's.


cut the losses, let the winners run.

But its not through share prices, its through intrinsic value:D

ie its not the share price that dictates over the longer term, whether a share continues to be held, rather its through increases to intrinsic value.

And to quite easily prove my point, what has been the growth in intrinsic value between
(a) Telstra
(b) cba
(c) woolworths
(d) quantas

over 10 years? 20 years?