how much coffee do you drink each day?

I used to be an 8-cup of black coffee a day-person....until I read all the stuff about how bad it was in excessive quantities.

Now I have a pot of black coffee before breakfast...yep thats 3 huge mugs! Can't drink coffee at all for the rest of the day, as it keeps me awake when I want to sleep.

I just can't stomache the instant muck...even if it is Macona. Just have to have the real thing.:D
Hi caffeine addicts :D

I enjoy the odd latte occassionaly, but am not a very big coffee drinker. Its more a luxury than a necessity for me.

For all you coffee addicts out there, just wondering if you knew that drinking excessive coffee on a daily basis has the following effects:

a) Increase your heart rate - not all that good if you have heart problems.

b) Increase your blood pressure

c) Increase stress

d) Reduced concentration and memory

e) Headaches

f) Depression

If you are going to drink coffee, I say do it in moderation.

For me, I'm a tea drinker. Green tea is my main poison :)

BUT! coffee:
* improves short term memory
* helps prevent alzheimers
* helps prevent parkinsons
* helps manage asthma

so it's not all bad!
i do a lil work for one of aust's biggest chains and get free coffee, wherever, whenever from them.
sounds great, and yes it is, but its not as if they have a shop in my kitchen or in my office, so its pretty rare i even bother.
bout 3 instants a day normally.
a) Increase your heart rate - not all that good if you have heart problems.

b) Increase your blood pressure

c) Increase stress

d) Reduced concentration and memory

e) Headaches

f) Depression

Depends where you drink it, doesn't it. If I'm sitting in my beach house having an espresso watching the waves come in, knowing I can do whatever I want that day.....
I have at least 3 before 10.00 am and 5 there after.

For those who love their coffee, there is nothing worse than going out for a coffee and choking on something that tastes something like a washed out mix of water and milk.
I can only depend on a couple of cafes that get it right.
BUT! coffee:
* improves short term memory
* helps prevent alzheimers
* helps prevent parkinsons
* helps manage asthma

so it's not all bad!

That may be the case. I was referring more to the excessive drinkers. I doubt that the more you increase your caffeine intake, the less chance there is of preventing alzheimers, or having an asthma attack :rolleyes: Chances are you will have a heart attack before the asthma attack :D

The same applies to just about anything. Look at water as an example. People are always saying drink plenty of water. Sure, this is fine, but drinking excessive amounts of water can be hazardous too.

Everything in moderation.

That may be the case. I was referring more to the excessive drinkers. I doubt that the more you increase your caffeine intake, the less chance there is of preventing alzheimers, or having an asthma attack :rolleyes: Chances are you will have a heart attack before the asthma attack :D

The same applies to just about anything. Look at water as an example. People are always saying drink plenty of water. Sure, this is fine, but drinking excessive amounts of water can be hazardous too.

Everything in moderation.


true, true.
Definitely a strong coffee on getting up, usually brew a Moccona premium medium roast, milk, no sugar. Like it strong, but cannot handle the expresso's they serve up in Italy and France, now that is rocket fuel.

Then after working horses, usually breakfast and another coffee, then that's it...unless driving home from racing, in wee small hours, will sink a stiff and strong takeaway, preferably cappuccino, know the good places to buy them now. :)

Don't drink soft drink or juice stuff or cordial, only water.

Like to try new varieties, as long as it isn't wishy washy stuff, and love green tea.

Partner drinks instant decaff....blah.
... Then after working horses, usually breakfast and another coffee, then that's it...

:) wow, that takes me back! spent a good chunk of my childhood/teenage years doing that... a city girl now, but you know, you can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl! lol
Pretty well coffee on and off all day!!! I used to work for a company that sold coffee machines to offices, so we were encouraged to always have a cup of coffee sitting on our desks all day, so that potential customers could see we drank the stuff. After working for them for 10 years, the habit just stayed!!!!

I have trouble sleeping if I do not have a cup before bed!!!!

Blood pressure, cholestral etc now under control with a sensible diet.

I drink water in between, no coke or pepsi, can't stand fizzy drinks.

v-e-r-y country

so country we have hay and straw poking out our ears :p

have you ever seen the scene where Paul Hogan in Crocodile Dundee walks down the New York city street? "g'day"..."how ya goin"..."g'day mate" to all the people walking past...well I learnt fast, they don't answer back and look at you funny, so I stopped, but my partner still does it! :)
so country we have hay and straw poking out our ears :p

have you ever seen the scene where Paul Hogan in Crocodile Dundee walks down the New York city street? "g'day"..."how ya goin"..."g'day mate" to all the people walking past...well I learnt fast, they don't answer back and look at you funny, so I stopped, but my partner still does it! :)

I love that movie. When Rob came here I think it was on cable TV every week. I would tease him that if he couldn't understand Mick Dundee, I could translate for him.

Yesterday we took my son grocery shopping. He asked Rob if he wanted him to put the "trolley" back.
When he got back in the car I asked him when he started talking aussie.
He said Rob calls it that so much, he forgot that we call it a "shopping cart".

Someone else told my other son he had an accent.I told him Rob was rubbing off on him. much coffee??? It depends.....

On how much sleep I've had the night before, IF ANY in which case I'm probably ingesting a whole heap extra just to stay awake!!! :(

On how stressed I am, in which case I would be drowning in the stuff!! :(

On how much time I can squeeze out of the day to stop long enough to actually FINISH a full cup!!! :rolleyes:

But all in all, for me.....WAYYYYYY too much!! :eek:

Oops better go, the jug's boiled!!! :p
I don't drink coffee at all used to once but for a few years haven't. I have a spazmatic approach to everything, I could drink it for three months then not drink it for 10 years.

Only fluids I've drunk mainly for few years is water.
I probably drink about two cups of coffee a week. usually at a coffee shop. I don't dislike it but I don't need it either. I guess I drink so little that when i do it has an effect on me. If I was to have one after 4pm I wouldn't sleep - even a bit of chocolate at bedtime is rued in the early hours... If I have a coffee in the morning (which I will if I feel tired) I get a bit jittery and my wee stinks of coffee.

I am a tea drinker - values inculcated from living with my Grandparents where making a pot of tea and having a bit of fruit cake was a daily ritual. I love proper tea - more so than tea bags. Tea brewed outside always tastes a little better regardless of the tea leaf origin. Green tea is OK and I enjoyed trying all the different ones in China recently. The rituals associated with tea are relaxing. Boiling the kettle, warming the pot, brewing the tea, enjoying the cuppa etc, it slows down the daily schedule a little even if for just ten minutes.

I know tea has more caffiene but it is in a form that is far less available to the body. The effect on me is negligable in comparison to coffee.

I mostly drink water.