IP 3 Not Happening

Got past the solicitor who was against NRAS on the grounds that it was social housing

Got the loans all approved by our own bank they would not normally touch NRAS (not signed loan docs yet)

Valuation all stacked up at purchase price (did have subject to in contract)

Building Inspection was the let down

Glad we had a subject to a satisfactory building inspection to Paul in our contracts

The builders have offered to fix all problems and extend timelines

Its in a body corps complex though so pretty sure we are going to walk away

Sent Building report to a friend in the business for 30+ years last 12 as a supervisor/foreman of a building company

He advised walk away as it sounded like shoddy workmanship carried out

Oh well better to outlay a bit of money now in solicitors/building reports/ and no doubt bank valuations will now be charged to us if we don't go ahead but better than who knows what down the track

The builders have said they will fix the problems but well maybe what about the other units was it just ours got the wrong end of the stick or ??????

Oh well looks like IP 3 will just have to wait