I've decided not to get married or have children .. Is that ok?

Like it says on the tin. Has anyone else made a similar decision and regret it? Does it make your life more interesting being able to meet more people and go anywhere you want when you want. Or does it make life less complete?
I have several girlfriends who have chosen not to have children, some in marriages and some because they did not find the ideal man and did not want to just get pregnant. Nearly all of them do not regret it at all.

I have not been in a relationship for a long time. I am very happy, and so are many women I know who have chosen to remain single.
It's not up to anyone to decide but you. Who cares what is socially acceptable or expected. It's just what works for you.

I'm married but knew from a very young age kids aren't for me. I don't have a maternal bone in my body. It's frustrating when people think they know me and tell me that I'll change my mind or words to that effect. But I'm not doing something just because it's the social norm.

I also got married quite young and I think if I hadn't have met my husband I would still be single now and happy. I'm naturally a loner and am very happy with minimal human interaction and doing things and going on adventures on my own.

Do what suits you and feels right for you not what other people think.
I am married with one child - but know that if anything happened to my hubby I would happily stay single for the rest of my life ... not that I actually have any plans to dispose of him ;)

I too are completely un-maternal, but do love my daughter and feel that life would be rather empty without her ... however ... in many ways we have an "friendship" relationship - except when it comes to bed time, homework, shower, picking up ...
If you have peace about then all power to you on your decision. Im married with three children and another on the way. Life would be easier if I was single and I would have more surplus income but it wasnt for me. I feel lonley if I come home and the house is empty and would likely get up to no good as a single person!
C'mon all you single guys & gals. Find yourselves a partner, get married and have a few kids. You can't be happy all your life!

one of my good friends is 60 and his wife about 50,
dont have kids, he came from a family of 4 kids

swore never to have kids when he was 18

he says it was the best decision of his life
one of my good friends is 60 and his wife about 50,
dont have kids, he came from a family of 4 kids

swore never to have kids when he was 18

he says it was the best decision of his life

But he will never know will he.........
Triple zero, it could ruin your property investment ambitions unless you latch onto a partner with more properties than yourself, then it's yeeha baby!
It's ok. Your life, you decide what makes you happy. I doubt having children just because you think you will regret for not having one will make you any more fulfilled :eek:

I think you will know when you want one
Who cares if it's OK or not? You only get one life so do what you want with it.

I knew from a very young age (primary school) that I did not really care to get married or ever want kids and I never have. And now when some of my school friends are becoming grandparents :eek::eek::eek: I am still 100% happy with that decision and don't have a single regret.
Your life, your decision. As long as it is ok to you, it is fine.

I decided during teenage not to get married. But changed mind in twenties. Only one partner all my life. Kids will come once we hit the serviceability ceiling :)
just go with the flow, if at the time you want to get married or have kids great. i dont see why you need to make a decision and stick with it. if you have doubts you are probably already regretting it.
To the OP - it's okay, you're not signing your life away. If you want to, you can always change your mind ;)

I'm married but we don't have kids, and it's a choice we have made. There are a lot of reasons why not, including medical ones. Now I'm 37, it is a bit easier because people are asking us when we're going to have them a lot less than they used to. I just tell them, 'Nah, my eggs have dried up' :p
My girlfriend has decided that I'm going to get married and have children. ;)

Just wait til. You get married

She'll become an encyclopedia as well!!!!!
And a self proclaimed morally superior being and an expert in politics, to investment to the environment
