Laiki Bank

Anyone had experiences with Laiki Bank?

Please share your experiences! I am thinking about getting a loan with them as their interest rates are pretty good.
My mother has had a term deposit
for a couple of years there
she has been very happy with it the
rate is higher than
most other banks.
As a loan though I can not help you
My dad who lives in Cyprus 6 months of the year has accounts with them and uses them for investments overseas. I have dealt with them as a power of attorney to my dad here in Australia. They are just like all other banks except obviously cater to non english speaking clients.

Interest rates are NOT a factor I would consider highly with investment loans.

What else do you like about them above all other banks?
Thanks Xenia,

To be honest interest rates were my only consideration with Laiki Bank. The service seemed average. They do have good features. They have also been around for a long time. Any suggestions?